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Curso de Social Media for Business Diploma

Pitman Training Barcelona
Pitman Training Barcelona

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 1001-2000 €

Resumen del curso

For a career in marketing, event management, or as an Exec PA, you need to be social media savvy, or you're going to get lost. The same goes if you are a small business owner.

Objetivos: This course has been designed to ensure you feel confortable using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ by the end of it. We take the most popular social media platforms and work through these step by step.

Requisitos: High command of English essential.

A quién va dirigido: Whether using social media to market your products or services, build loyalty or provide customer service advice, you need to understand the full spectrum of tools available before deciding which to use. With our Social Media for Business Diploma under your belt you will be able to crate a strategy that's highly tuned to your specific objectives.

Información adicional

• Flexible training which fits around your work and family commitments
• Online support 24/7, plus additional support from Pitman Training course advisors
• The skills in demand by employers
• Confidence that you’re one step closer to your dream job, promotion or new career

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Temario completo de este curso

Core Courses:
  • Social Media Strategy for Business This course contains an overview of over 15 tools that you could use for social media marketing, to make sure you’re appealing to the right audiences, along with a number of tools for measuring success for social media.
  • Twitter for Business Here we offer a complete guide to setting up a twitter profile, understanding the twitter language and best practice usage of twitter. We look at finding people to follow and attracting followers. The course moves on to look at HootSuite – a tool to make Twitter use easier and more targeted.
  • LinkedIn for Business On completion of this course, you will be able to set up an optimised LinkedIn individual profile and use LinkedIn to connect to, and engage with, your contacts. You will learn about using LinkedIn groups to improve your credibility and visibility. The course covers setting up a company profile, using LinkedIn advertisements and measuring the success of using LinkedIn.
  • Facebook for Business The course shows you the difference, and overlap, between using Facebook for your personal profile and a Facebook page for business. With a guide to Facebook apps, creating competitions and using Facebook advertising as well as how to measure the success of your Facebook Page, you’ll start to see the vast opportunities that lie within Facebook.
  • Google+ for Business Learn what Google+ is and why it should be used for business. The course covers the creation of a Google+ profile, circles and security, the use of +1s, events, hangouts and communities. The process of setting up Google Authorship is also covered as well as Google Local and measurement. Video for Business The course covers the reasons for using video to market a business, the video audience and scheduling content for videos. The processes of storyboarding, capturing and editing a video are looked at in detail, along with measuring its success.
  • SEO for Business This course covers the importance of SEO and how different search engines work, focusing on the Google search engine. Initially looking at identifying keywords for the business and learning where the keywords should be used in a website, blogs and social media, the course also covers the importance of link building.
  • Blogging for Business This course takes students from the initial stages of exploring and using other people’s blogs to gain exposure, to creating and managing their own blog, producing and distributing posts through social media channels, and building a network of fellow bloggers.
  • Effective Business Communication This excellent course will raise your game when it comes to business communication skills. Effective communication skills are top of the list of qualities demanded by employers, it’s an essential skill to master. Split into eight lessons, your business communication training begins with examining English language skills before looking at the use of the appropriate tone.
  • Marketing Essentials Many roles include a marketing element. Over simple lessons, this course introduces you to the principles of marketing and all the major elements.
Elective courses (choose three)
To discuss your current skills and aspirations for the future, please speak to one of our friendly advisors.
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