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Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.
Escuela Europea de Formación Continua. EEFC.

Postgrado Online

Precio: 890 €

Resumen del postgrado

METODOLOGÍA DEL CURSO. Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English. The level required is Advanced. On-line discussion and debate: Participants will discuss and debate on-line a case that will be used throughout the program. This will clearly establish the need for methodologies that support marketing decisions . Individual Study: The text book , the teacher papers, avalibale videos and your owun reserach are required to have an academical framework. Practice: Practice with tools and methodologies, applying them to the case and presenting their application for debate and discussion will build confidence and know-how of each participant.

Objetivos: OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO. Understand (“believe”) the key facts that make sales the center of a business organization. Managing the salesforce: how to create (selection, recruitment), organize (teams, territories) , coach and compensate the sales team. Ability to develop a sales strategy (revenue-profit, sales quotas, strategic accounts, tactical customers) Develop customer service skills that will improve sales performance and results. Effectively execute / recognize leadership in sales management. And many others.

Temario completo de este curso

The sales cycle. Why sales are relevant.
Managing the salesforce: Creating, Organizing, Coaching, Compensating and Fidelizing.
Strategic account management.
Being Customer – centered. How to improve customer returns based on service.
Sales negotiations.
Leadership in sales management.
Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English. The level required is Advanced.
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