MBA enfocado en la Dirección de Empresas. Cuenta con un programa en el que el participante se acerca a la realidad empresarial, proporcionándole un aprendizaje práctico que le facilite el desarrollo y crecimiento de su propia empresa mediante diferente...
Requisitos: - Evidence of English Fluency This requirement may be waived for students who have graduated from a secondary (Associates/Bachelor’s degree seeking students) or post-secondary school or University (Master’s degree seeking) where English is the language of instruction or the country’s official language is English. This requirement can be satisfied by providing official documentation of scores achieved for one of the following English language proficiency examinations. SIU must receive the official scores via the Admissions Office. Tests must be less than two years old from date of enrollment.
BA 501—Organizational Behavior
Impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on the behavior within organizations. Practical examples. Methods related to problem-solving within organizations.
BA 510—Business Economics
Emphasis on applicability of economic theory to both the business/internal dynamics of business and the external circumstances under which businesses operate. Course provides necessary knowledge, tools, and understanding of economic discourse as a basis for the study of business as well as a background of the basic economic principles relevant to business.
BA 512—Managerial Accounting
Builds upon the student’s basic understanding of financial and managerial accounting by exploring in more depth the essential concepts of managerial accounting, including ratio analysis, budgeting and cost measurement.
BA 515—Managerial Finance
Function of managing business funds, mobilizing cash and credit and planning their use to further the objectives of the firm.
BA 522—International Marketing
Developing international strategies in planning market research and control with regard to legal, cultural and economic factors involved in crossing borders.
BA 529—Multinational Business Management
Emphasizes specific techniques utilized by a multinational firm; its strategy, marketing, finances, decision-making, organization, communication, planning and control.
BA 537—Production & Operations Management
Basic methods and models of production management and operations research. Inventory control and demand forecasting. Emphasis on analytical techniques of POM and modern topics such as lean production involving just-in-time systems, computer-integrated manufacturing, etc.
BA542—Comprehensive Business Seminar
Focuses on how managerial thinking influences strategy formation and implementation. Importance of change and the need for managerial dynamic thinking and the importance of organizational learning. Case study approach integrates the various disciplines associated with management such as accounting, finance, human resource utilization, and organization behavior. Capstone course.
BA 544—Human Resources Management
Familiarizes the student with the role and function of human resource professionals and their impact on organiza-tions. Practical examples. Methods related to problem-solving as it relates to human resource management within organizations, changing role and enlarged functions of human resource management. Emphasis on international business.
BA 560—International Business Law
This course aims at providing a general understanding of the legal problems arising from transnational business transactions.
BA 589—Methods of Research & Analysis
Gives students experience in the whole range of methodological and fieldwork activities involved in an actual piece of research. Main stages in historical, social, science and business research. Empirical program of research involving the formulation of a research problem, theoretical background reading, research design, data collection and fieldwork and, finally, the construction and writing of a project.
IT 576—IT Aplications in Business
Introduces students to electronic data processing systems and techniques in the context of organizational management information systems. Types of hardware and software for information needs and problem solving, source-document preparation, flow-charting and system design.
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Temario/Syllabus The MBA – Master of Business Administration has the following syllabus: SECTION 1. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Module 1. Fundamentals of Strategic Management Module 2. ...
Objetivos: Con este curso, el alumno conocerá las diversas herramientas y estrategias de la mercadotecnia para aplicarlas en el desarrollo de un producto, servicio o en una empresa. Requisitos: ...
Objetivos: - Facilitar una visión integrada y global de la dirección general y el rol de que desarrolla cada área de la empresa- Adquirir los conocimientos clave y desarrollar las competencias ...
Objetivos: Dirigir de forma eficaz las diferentes áreas funcionales de la compañía.Optimizar la utilización de los recursos humanos y materiales de la empresa.Crear y dirigir de forma eficaz su ...
Objetivos: Fortalecer sus conocimientos en gestión empresarial.Potenciar sus habilidades directivas para la toma de decisiones.Dominar las técnicas y herramientas de gestión de las diferentes áreas ...
Objetivos: Potenciar y desarrollar sus capacidades directivas.Afrontar con éxito las nuevas tendencias del entorno.Mejorar e impulsar su carrera profesional.Gestionar de forma eficaz las distintas ...
Requisitos: Acreditación de titulación universitaria.Realización de todas las pruebas de evaluación y el examen final de la UDIMA. A quién va dirigido: Titulados universitarios, especialmente ...
A quién va dirigido: Titulados universitarios, empresarios, directores de exportación, directores comerciales, profesores, consultores, así como a todos aquellos que deseen desarrollar un negocio ...
Requisitos: Requisito obligatorio: estar en posesión de un título universitario. A quién va dirigido: Se dirige a titulados universitarios y profesionales con una experiencia de al menos tres años ...
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