Cursos - Schiller International University

28002 Madrid (Madrid)

Schiller International University (SIU) es una universidad americana independiente que dirige sus esfuerzos formativos a aumentar la cualificación de particulares profesionales con el objetivo de ampliar sus horizontes en el mercado laboral. Su excelente catálogo formativo está compuesto por programas de grado y posgrado (dirección de empresas, dirección comercial, marketing, gestión de la calidad y medio ambiente, turismo, relaciones internacionales, y económicas entre otras áreas de conocimien

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Qué puedo estudiar en Schiller International University

  • Carrera universitaria en Madrid 14.170

    International Relations and Diplomacy (BA)

    Political and economic problems today transcend international boundaries. Schiller International University’s International Relations and Diplomacy program equips students with the expertise they ...

  • Carrera universitaria en Madrid 14.170

    International Business (BS)

    With the rapid globalization of business, companies must expand operations internationally to remain competitive. The Bachelor of Science in International Business degree program provides the ...

  • Máster en Madrid 17.620

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Requisitos: - Evidence of English FluencyThis requirement may be waived for students who have graduated from a secondary (Associates/Bachelor’s degree seeking students) or post-secondary school or ...

  • Máster en Madrid 17.620

    International Business (MBA)

    Requisitos: - Evidence of English FluencyThis requirement may be waived for students who have graduated from a secondary (Associates/Bachelor’s degree seeking students) or post-secondary school or ...

  • Carrera universitaria en Madrid 14.170

    Bachelor in International Economics

    Friendly relationships between nations often rely on good trade relationships. Students with an interest in economics who want to prepare for a career in international finance, government, or ...

  • Máster en Madrid 17.620

    International Hospitality and Tourism Management (MBA)

    Start your future in hospitality with an International Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA. This program offers ideal locations for students and professionals in the fields of business, ...

  • Carrera universitaria en Madrid 14.170

    International Hospitality and Tourism Management (BS)

    The International Hospitality and Tourism Management Bachelor degree program is for those with a passion for crossing continents and cultures. Seekers of this degree are adventurous individuals with ...

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