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    MÁSTER:Presencial en Barcelona

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Curso de Marketing Assistant Diploma

Pitman Training Barcelona
Pitman Training Barcelona

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 151-300 €

Resumen del curso

Our Marketing Assistant Diplooma is designed to give you a broad understanding of the principles involved in each area, along with superior IT skills to take on even the most challenging of tasks.

Objetivos: Our Marketing Assistant Diploma has been developed to give you the skills you need to work in a specialist marketing agency, in-house for a company with its own marketing department or take on marketing responsabilities.

Requisitos: High command of English essential.

A quién va dirigido: The world of marketing is highly competitive and the number of applicants looking to break through in to this fast moving industry is always high. So, if you want to stand out and get the job, you will have to prove you've got the practical skills and knowledge required.

Temario completo de este curso

Core Courses:
  • Marketing Essentials Over four lessons you’ll cover topics such as understanding what a marketing plan is, how to carry out appropriate research, how websites are designed to market the company, effective advertising and the four P’s of marketing products.
  • Photoshop Photoshop is a popular image editing application to create and manipulate images for the web and for print. This is a fully flexible self-study programme split over 8 lessons.
  • Social Media Choose 4 from the following: - Social Media Strategy for Business - SEO for Business - Twitter for Business - Facebook for Business - Linkedin for Business - Google+ for Business - Video for Business - Blogging for Business
  • Typing We offer a full range of typing courses whether you’re a beginner or need to reach top speeds with maximum accuracy.
  • Effective Business Communication Learn how to communicate effectively in business by letter, email, telephone and by presentation. This will cover correct use of grammar, punctuation, principles of letter writing and CV writing.
  • Microsoft Word Learn word processing skills to a good business standard. This will enable you to create professional looking documents, produce tables, insert pictures and much more. or Microsoft Word Expert Learn advanced word processing skills including mail merge, creating graphs, creating and running macros, creating an index, table of contents and more.
  • Microsoft Excel Learn spreadsheet skills to a good business standard. This course will enable you to create a spreadsheet, enter data, formulas and functions; create charts and more. or Microsoft Excel Expert Learn advanced spreadsheet skills, covering areas such as importing and exporting data, creating and using templates, linking workbooks, data management, using analysis tools and pivot tables.
  • Microsoft Outlook Learn how to share, manage and schedule information electronically. Covers the use of email, electronic calendar, scheduling meetings and appointments, creating and assigning tasks; creating address lists. Microsoft
  • PowerPoint Gain competency in creating slide presentations. Areas covered include formatting, inserting tables, pictures, sound and hyperlinks; applying transition and timing effects.
ver temario completo

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