Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 5.080 €
    CURSO:Presencial en Barcelona

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Curso de Becoming a Positive Leader: Accelerating Individual and Organizational Change


Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 6.000 €

Resumen del curso

Increasing employee engagement, driving innovation and change, and stimulating top-level performance involves taking a positive new approach to leadership that builds on strengths. Run jointly by IESE Business School and Michigan’s Ross School of Business, this program will provide you with the techniques and tools you need to stimulate performance in others by focusing on their strengths.

Objetivos: Learn how to cultivate a mindful and mission-driven work environment that empowers and engages employees. Examine the importance of self-awareness to motivate growth at both individual and organizational levels. Learn techniques to unlock the highest potential within oneself and others. Make a step-by-step plan to address leadership challenges in your organization.

Temario completo de este curso

The Positive Leadership Framework
  • The BPL framework
  • Application of the framework to personal and organizational realms

Enabling Spectacular Performance and an Exceptional Culture
  • Tools and techniques to motivate employees
  • Setting the stage for implementation to excel

Character Development (Nurture Versus Nature)
  • Self-awareness and development of positive qualities
  • Leveraging crisis situations as opportunities for resilience and learning

Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia Basilica: Drawing Inspiration from Gaudí
  • Motivating others with a sense of purpose and mission
  • Creativity for overcoming challenges and constraints
  • Evaluating the present to create an alternative future

Reflected “Best Self” Exercise
  • Customized feedback on your strengths and strength profile
  • Creating a picture of you at your best

Deep Change
  • Understanding the power of emotions and managing them in professional environments
  • Clarifying values and purpose

Creating a Positive Organizational Culture
  • Positive climate: stress prevention; mindfulness and well-being
  • Pros, cons and sustainability of a positive culture

High-Quality Connections and Energy Networks
  • Understanding the power of high-quality connections and learning how to create them to impact the future
  • Trust and empowerment

Action Plan: Change Starts With You
  • Planning and positioning for excellence
  • Development of a 21-day personal action plan
ver temario completo

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