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Tu búsqueda no ha obtenido resultados. Te mostramos otros cursos que te pueden interesar.

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Advanced Management: Cross Selling and Up Selling

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 4.150,53

    The more products or services a customer buys from a company the more likely they are to stay with thatcompany. If you want to add value for your customers and build loyalty while improving sales this is thecourse for you. This course teaches you ...

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Development of Managerial and Technical Skills for Training Specialists and Coordinators

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 4.008,03

    Would you like to give an impulse to your professional life? If so, you should check this Development of Managerial and Technical Skills for Training Specialists and Coordinators course, organized by London Training for Excellence, that ...

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Professional Methods of Distribution and Channel Management

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 4.008,03

    Learning ObjectivesLearn how to assess the cost and effectiveness of your current distribution strategies and programsDevelop channel management strategies that are more competitive and cost effectiveGain a better understanding of new distribut...

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Managing Tenders Specifications & Contracts

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 4.519,46

    A major portion of every organization’s operating cost is spent on outside goods and services. Based on thisfact executive management everywhere is determining that Managing Tenders Specifications andContracts must emerge as a critical core ...

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Mastering Tenders and Contract Management

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 4.016,79

    By the end of the program participants will be able to:Conduct an End-to-End procurement processUse the different procurement tools and techniquesBe better negotiatorsIdentify which type of contract to use and whenHave better command of Contract ...

  •  London Training for Excellence

    Advanced Skills of the Bid and Tender Management Process

    Curso subvencionado en London (Reino Unido) | London Training for Excellence | 3.504,89

    Advanced Skills of the Bid and Tender Management ProcessIntroductionThis course has been designed to assist procurement specialists in the development of realistic and measurable evaluation criteria thus allowing them to evaluate and differentiate ...

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Calidad, producción e I+D

Gestión de proyectos (6)

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