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  •  SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: Cumplir uno de los siguientes requisitos:- Ser mayor de 18 años, Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller o declarado equivalente, de titulación de Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, o ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de...

Curso subvencionado para desempleados de Advanced Skills of the Bid and Tender Management Process

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso subvencionado Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 3.507,80 €
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso subvencionado

Advanced Skills of the Bid and Tender Management ProcessIntroductionThis course has been designed to assist procurement specialists in the development of realistic and measurable evaluation criteria thus allowing them to evaluate and differentiate between bids while ensuring the process is complete and fair.Identifies the various policies and directive applicable to bid evaluationEnables the participant to understand the essential elements of a Statement of Work (SOW)Provides a list of the roles responsibilities and accountabilities of individuals in the various phases of evaluationExplains the difference between mandatory and weighted evaluation criteriaIntroduces the minimum elements of an evaluation plan/strategyIdentifies the various contractor selection methodologiesDescribes points of concern when debriefing biddersCourse language(s):English Arabic Number of participants:1 10Early booking:For all booking(s) made 45 days in advance we offer an early booking discount of 10%. Please complete the booking process and a member of our team will contact you regarding the fees.Registration terms:Deadline for registration is 5 days prior to the course start date. Those who wish to register after the deadline should email us directly atsales@londontfe.comto check availability. For our full terms and conditions please clickhere.Certificate:A certificate will be issued to all participants on completion of this course.

Objetivos: By the end of the program participants are expected to: Be familiar with the key concepts of document management systems. Recognize the importance of document management systems. Understand document and records management lifecycle. Use the concepts of document and records management to deliver business effectively. Determine the requirements and rules of archiving and indexing technology. Apply the archiving and indexing technology in the organizations and offices effectively. Follow unified archiving and indexing procedures properly. Maintain a well- controlled computerized document management system. Link how document and records management can be implemented across your organisation. Create a document and records management plan of action to implement in their organization and learn from best practice implementations and case studies. Covering: Needs Analysis Implementation Strategies Technical Specifications & Procedures Security and Compliance with Good & Best Management Practices

A quién va dirigido: Every member of the project and contract delivery team including:Project managersCompliance managersBusiness development managersContract administratorCommercial officerSales managerContracts managersCommercial managers

Temario completo de este curso

Day 1: Defining Client Roles and Responsibilities
  • Presents the goal of evaluation and selection methods
  • Provides a list of policies and related legislation
  • Stresses the departmental guiding principles and best procurement practices
  • Defines the role and responsibilities of personnel involved within the evaluation and contractor methodology process

Day 2: Identifying the Requirements to Prepare the Bid Solicitation Document
  • Discusses the structure and content of the SOW provided by the client Explores the importance of the requirement definitions
  • Presents a detailed list of elements of a bid solicitation document
  • Defines players and responsibilities of the bid evaluation team
  • Includes an exercise where participants are required to prepare an interview with a client in order to revise his/her SOW

Day 3: Developing the Evaluation Method
  • Criteria and Contractor Selection Methodology
  • Introduces the importance of carefully developing the bid evaluation plan
  • Focuses on different evaluation and selection methods
  • Discusses the evaluation criteria including mandatory criteria and point-rated criteria
  • Presents examples of bid evaluation criteria scoring grid
  • Explains how to assign rating values to evaluation criteria and develop a detailed scoring grid
  • Emphasizes the advantages and disadvantages of most common contractor selection methods
  • Includes a case study where participants are required to develop evaluation criteria and to identify the contractor selection methodology

Day 4: Evaluating the Bid Responses
  • Explores in depth the evaluation process
  • Presents examples of bid scoring grids and the Evaluation Summary Report
  • Introduces negotiation procedures
  • Discusses the options of bypassing
  • cancelling reissuing and extending bids
  • Lists the considerations prior to awarding a contract and most common complaints
  • Provides an introduction of Canadian International Trade Tribunal and lessons learned from past bid challenges
  • Includes an exercise where participants are required to review bids and recommend the awards

Day 5: Debriefing the Unsuccessful Bidders
  • Provides definitions of bid rigging
  • Discusses the notification of unsuccessful bidders and debriefings
  • Presents the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act
  • Includes a "role-play" exercise where participants are required to debrief an unsuccessful bidder
ver temario completo

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