Curso de Idiomas: "de llobregat en lugo en vizcaya en zamora en granada en avila en segovia en alava" online y a distancia en Cádiz

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level IV

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    For those ones who have got a middle-low level of English and who wish not to lose the knowledge which they have already got, and at the same time want to improve their level of pronunciation and their reading understanding. This course is wonderful

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level IV - Block 1

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the the transition from an Intermediate Level to an Advanced Level, thus beginning the preparation to take the ECCE (The Examination for the Certificate of Com

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level IV - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from the Intermediate Level to a more solid Advanced Level, as well as consolidating the necessary structures to pass satisfactorily the ECCE

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level V

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    For those people who have a middle level of English and who wish acquire more knowledge, above all of oral English. In this level you will listen conversations from natives to an advanced level, so generally speaking you will be able to improve your

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Intermediate Block 4

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block you will learn to talk about future and past actions, using the present continuous, the past simple or else other different verb tenses, to talk about the weather, to express agreement and disagreement with somebody, and so on. In block

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Basic Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    The student will learn some modal verbs, for example can, the frequency advers, the prepositions of place, how to conjugate the verb to have, how to give commands and instructions, and so on. Regarding vocabulary, he will learn the colours in English

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Placement Test

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    The Level Tests are created for the student to find out which is his/her level of English. There is a test for each of the five levels. Each test includes a section on reading, writing, listening, grammar, and vocabulary and in levels III, IV and V t

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Basic Block 1

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    The student will learn the personal pronouns, how to conjugate the present simple, the alphabet, how to ask questions and give information, to talk about daily routines, how to order food or buy clothes, and so on.

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level V - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks. In this Block the learner will consolidate the necessary knowledge to pass satisfactorily the TOEFL exam. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    American English Level V - Block 3

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this final Block the learner will revise the work covered to date through the lexical fields of describing people and places, superstitions, horoscopes tourism and describing paintings and art and arrive at being an Independent User by acquiring t

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level A1 - Block 1

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference). Whilst introducing the correct use

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level A1 - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner to aquire the A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference).

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level A1 - A2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    These first blocks of the course are of fundamental importance in providing the necessary basis for success. When learning a language we must appreciate that the foundations are vital and therefore understand that without comprehensive practice in th

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level A2 - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and begin the transition from A2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this block the learner is

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B1

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    this third level of five, the student will continue to learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, being taken from A2 to B1/Pre-B2 level or Independent User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Whilst revising an

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level A2 - Block 1

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and continue the transition from A1 to A2 from Breakthrough to Waystage. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in a

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B1 - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from B1 to a solid B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially in

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B1 - Block 3

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the crossover from B1 to a B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner’s independence in all areas, especially in real-lif

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this fourth block the learner continues to build on all previous units through a series of exercises which draw on past subject matter and structures whilst presenting new themes and functions. This level will lead the learner to the B2 or Indepen

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B2 - Block 2

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from B1 to a more solid B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especia

  •  KUMA Centro de Estudios

    English Level B2 - Block 3

    Curso subvencionado a distancia | KUMA Centro de Estudios | A consultar

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and finish the crossover from B1 to a B2. When the learner finishes this block, he/she will have the B2 level as stated by the CEFR. The course content remains functiona

  •  tecnologico Gran Guadalupano

    Curso Online de Técnico en Enseñanza del Ingles TESOL

    Curso online | tecnologico Gran Guadalupano | 95 € 75 |Descuento

    UNIDAD I: Conceptos básicos de la comprensión lectora. a) Lecto-comprensión: Técnicas y herramientas de trabajo. El diccionario bilingüe. Cuadros de estrategias. b) Frases sustantivas: Su formación y ...

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  • Eliminar FiltroCádiz
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