Objetivos: Entre los objetivos de nuestro Especialista en Inglés para Profesionales Sanitarios destacan la formacion en Inglés que te permitiran obtener tu titulación en Especialista en Inglés para Profesionales Sanitarios. Requisitos: Efectuar la mat...
English Intermediate Block 4
In this block you will learn to talk about future and past actions, using the present continuous, the past simple or else other different verb tenses, to talk about the weather, to express agreement and disagreement with somebody, and so on. In block 4 more complex verb tenses are going to be introduced, as the present perfect, comparing it with the past simple and the existing differences between these two verb tenses and when we can use them will be explained.
Buying the perfect camper Unit 1
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got. Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Buying the perfect camper Unit 2
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got. Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Buying the perfect camper Unit 3
Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got. Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.
Test - Buying the perfect camper
Mildred Unit 1
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past. Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose? Vocabulary: The weather.
Mildred Unit 2
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past. Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose? Vocabulary: The weather.
Mildred Unit 3
Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past. Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose? Vocabulary: The weather.
Test - Mildred
Let's go to the Isle of Wight Unit 1
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement. Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Let's go to the Isle of Wight Unit 2
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement. Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Let's go to the Isle of Wight Unit 3
Functions: Expressing duration. Expressing agreement and disagreement. Expressing movement. Grammar: Present perfect + for / since. Agreements. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Difference between gone and been. Public places.
Test - Let's go to the isle of Wight
Having a breakdown Unit 1
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers. Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Having a breakdown Unit 2
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers. Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Having a breakdown Unit 3
Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers. Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.
Test - Having a breakdown
Bye-Bye, Rowland! Unit 1
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past. Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing. Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Bye-Bye, Rowland! Unit 2
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past. Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing. Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Bye-Bye, Rowland! Unit 3
Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past. Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing. Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.
Test - Bye-Bye, Rowland!
She's left me!! Unit 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
She's left me!! Unit 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
She's left me!! Unit 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
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Objetivos: •Adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para atender y comunicarse de manera eficaz en inglés en situaciones profesionales habituales dentro del ámbito legal.•Conocer el ...
Objetivos: - Adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para atender y comunicarse de manera eficaz en inglés en situaciones profesionales habituales dentro del ámbito comercial.- Conocer ...
Objetivos: - Aportar al alumno de un modo rápido y sencillo todo aquello que requiere conocer para desempeñar funciones de docente en un centro de formación o academia privada.- Adquirir las ...
Objetivos: - Formar a los estudiantes para que apliquen sus conocimientos lingüísticos acerca de la lengua inglesa al campo práctico de su enseñanza como lengua extranjera.- Relacionar competencias ...
Objetivos: Los objetivos de nuestro Postgrado en Inglés C1 Advanced para Educación y Formador de Formadores + Doble Titulación Universitaria son muy claros y te ayudarán a formarte en Inglés. ...
El curso ofrece una formación preparatoria diseñada para que los alumnos consigan las capacidades y los conocimientos necesarios para enseñar inglés como lengua extranjera de forma competente, ...
UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA 1 Introductions (Presentaciones) UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA 2 The Family (La Familia) UNIDAD DIDÁTICA 3: A City Tour (Una visita a la ...
* Programa orientativo en función del ritmo del curso. 1. El Futuro con ‘going to y will’. Comparativos y superlativos ‘as….as, mor/less tan’ 2. Uso de ...
In the Chalet On the ski slopes Recycling At the harbour Mount Kilimanjaro Banking Operations Comparing Products Making a Sale Negotiating Cultural Exercises Trouble with ...
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