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Curso subvencionado para trabajadores de American English Placement Test

KUMA Centro de Estudios
KUMA Centro de Estudios

Curso subvencionado Distancia


Resumen del curso subvencionado

The Level Tests are created for the student to find out which is his/her level of English. There is a test for each of the five levels. Each test includes a section on reading, writing, listening, grammar, and vocabulary and in levels III, IV and V t

Temario completo de este curso

Level test I
In Level I, the test consists of 4 vocabulary exercises, 3 reading activities in which the student will read some short phrases and write the correct answer for each question, 4 listening sections in which the student will listen to short recordings and provide the correct answer, 4 basic grammar activities on the present tense and 3 short-answer writing exercises.

Level test I
In Level I, the test consists of 4 vocabulary exercises, 3 reading activities in which the student will read some short phrases and write the correct answer for each question, 4 listening sections in which the student will listen to short recordings and provide the correct answer, 4 basic grammar activities on the present tense and 3 short-answer writing exercises.

Level test II
In Level II, the test consists of 2 vocabulary activities, 3 reading activities where the student will read 3 short paragraphs and answer questions, 3 listening activities in which the student will hear a recording of a paragraph or dialogue and then answer questions, 2 basic grammar exercises and 4 short-answer writing exercises.

Level test II
In Level II, the test consists of 2 vocabulary activities, 3 reading activities where the student will read 3 short paragraphs and answer questions, 3 listening activities in which the student will hear a recording of a paragraph or dialogue and then answer questions, 2 basic grammar exercises and 4 short-answer writing exercises.

Level test III
In Level III, the tests consists of 2 vocabulary exercises, 4 reading activities in which the paragraphs are a bit longer than in Level II, 4 listening activities in which the student will hear recorded dialogues or paragraphs and then he/she must answer questions, 4 grammar exercises dealing with past and present perfect tenses and error correction, 4 short-answer writing exercises and finally 4 pronunciation exercises in which the student will have to choose and produce the correct pronunciation of individual words.

Level test III
In Level III, the tests consists of 2 vocabulary exercises, 4 reading activities in which the paragraphs are a bit longer than in Level II, 4 listening activities in which the student will hear recorded dialogues or paragraphs and then he/she must answer questions, 4 grammar exercises dealing with past and present perfect tenses and error correction, 4 short-answer writing exercises and finally 4 pronunciation exercises in which the student will have to choose and produce the correct pronunciation of individual words.

Level test IV
In Level IV, there are 4 exercises with a bit more advanced vocabulary, 4 reading activities in which the student will read a text and provide the correct answer, 3 listening activities with recorded texts that are significantly longer than in Level III, 4 general grammar activities dealing with various tenses, error correction and say/tell, 4 short-answer writing activities and finally 4 pronunciation exercises that deal with homophones, pronunciation of words and sentences as well as correct reproduction of questions and intonation.

Level test IV
In Level IV, there are 4 exercises with a bit more advanced vocabulary, 4 reading activities in which the student will read a text and provide the correct answer, 3 listening activities with recorded texts that are significantly longer than in Level III, 4 general grammar activities dealing with various tenses, error correction and say/tell, 4 short-answer writing activities and finally 4 pronunciation exercises that deal with homophones, pronunciation of words and sentences as well as correct reproduction of questions and intonation.

Level test V
In the final Level V, there are 4 vocabulary exercises with more advanced words and phrasal verbs, 4 reading activities with longer texts than in previous levels, 4 listening activities where the student will listen to extended texts and then provide the correct answer, 4 grammar activities in which the student will do error corrections and use advanced verb tenses, 4 short-answer writing exercises and finally 4 short pronunciation exercises dealing with individual sounds, questions, sentences and opposite words.

Level test V
In the final Level V, there are 4 vocabulary exercises with more advanced words and phrasal verbs, 4 reading activities with longer texts than in previous levels, 4 listening activities where the student will listen to extended texts and then provide the correct answer, 4 grammar activities in which the student will do error corrections and use advanced verb tenses, 4 short-answer writing exercises and finally 4 short pronunciation exercises dealing with individual sounds, questions, sentences and opposite words.

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