Cursos de Administración de Sistemas Informáticos en el extranjero en el extranjero

  •  Sicap

    Firewall: Debug and Troubleshoot

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 2.196,72

    Provides extensive training for supporting and troubleshooting Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls. The coursework and labs focus on how to diagnose and solve common problems using various diagnostic and administrative tools. This course ...

  •  Sicap

    Traps: Install Configure and Manage

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.463,33

    Palo Alto Networks TrapsTM Advanced Endpoint Protection prevents sophisticated vulnerability exploits and unknown malware-driven attacks. Traps accomplishes this through a highly scalable, lightweight agent that uses an innovative new approach for ...

  •  Sicap

    Certified Vulnerability Assessor

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.553,06

    The vendor neutral Certified Vulnerability Assessor certification course helps students understand the importance of vulnerability assessments by providing intricateknowledge and skills in the Vulnerability Assessment arena. The CVA course provides ...

  •  Sicap

    Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 2.588,44

    The C)PTE presents information based on the 5 Key Elements of Pen Testing; InformationGathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation and Reporting. The latest vulnerabilities will be discovered using these tried and true techniques. This course ...

  •  Sicap

    Certified Security Sentinel

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.035,38

    This courseteaches general security awareness aswell as how to develop a strong security culture within your company’scommunity. The Social Engineeringportion of the class is designed toteach the participants the skills usedby Social Engineers to ...

  •  Sicap

    XenApp and XenDesktop Current Release Update

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 862,81

    Designed for students with previous XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 (Long Term Service Release) experience, who areinterested in learning about new functionality and leading practices for the latest XenApp and XenDesktop releases.Learn about ...

  •  Sicap

    Traps 3.4: Deploy and Optimize

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.721,31

    Palo Alto Networks® Traps™ Advanced Endpoint Protection prevents sophisticated vulnerability exploits and unknownmalware-driven attacks. Successful completion of this two-day, instructor-led course equips the student to deployTraps in large-scale ...

  •  Sicap


    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 4.305,44

    The Firewall 7.1: Install, Configure, and Manage three-day, instructor-led course will enable the student to install, configure, and manage the essential features of Palo Alto Networks® next-generation firewalls. Objetivos: Students attending this ...

  •  Sicap

    NetScaler Traffic Management

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 862,81

    Designed for students with previous NetScaler experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying or managing NetScaler environments. Objetivos: Learn the skills required to configure and manage NetScaler Citrix Traffic ...

  •  Sicap

    NetScaler Unified Gateway

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 862,81

    Designed for students with previous NetScaler experience, yet no NetScaler Gateway or Unified Gateway experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying or managing NetScaler Gateway, or Unified Gateway environments.

  •  Sicap

    Secure Web Applications with Citrix NetScaler

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.294,22

    Designed for students with previous NetScaler experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be deploying and/or managing Citrix NetScaler Application Firewall (AppFirewall) in Citrix NetScaler environments.

  •  Sicap

    NetScaler Management and Optimization

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 862,81

    Students will learn the skills required to deploy and utilize the NetScaler Management and Analytics System including the ability to manage multiple NetScaler platforms centrally, orchestrate configuration changes, report on transactions passing ...

  •  Sicap

    XenApp and XenDesktop Administration on Windows Server 2016

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 2.157,03

    Designed for students who plan to run XenApp and XenDesktop Windows Server 2016 with little to no previous experience required. Obtain foundational knowledge of XenApp and XenDesktop required to be successful with the platform running both ...

  •  Sicap

    XenApp and XenDesktop Advanced Optimization and Troubleshooting

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.725,63

    Designed for students with previous XenApp and XenDesktop experience, this course is best suited for students looking to learn how to enhance the functionality of a new or existing environment and remediate complex issues.

  •  Sicap

    Managing and Supporting a Mobility Solution with Citrix XenMobile

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.294,22

    Designed for students with little or no previous XenMobile experience, this course is best suited for individuals who will be managing and supporting XenMobile environments. Learn the skills required to manage XenMobile environment components ...

  •  Sicap

    ShareFile Enterprise Essentials

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 862,81

    Students looking to deploy or manage ShareFile in their XenApp and XenDesktop environment will find Citrix ShareFile Enterprise Essentials to be a good compliment to CXD-203 Managing App and Desktop Solutions with Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6, ...

  •  Sicap

    Junos Space Essentials

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.380,50

    This two-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to manage the Junos Space appliance and manage devices with Junos Space. Students will understand how to install Junos Space into a multinode Space Fabric, as well as ...

  •  Sicap

    Junos Troubleshooting in the NOC

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 2.070,75

    Course OverviewThis CLASSROOM three-day course is design ed to provide introductory troubleshooting skills for engineers in a network operations center (NOC) environment. Key topics within this course include troubleshooting methodology, ...

  •  Sicap

    Junos Space Security Director

    Curso en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 1.380,50

    This two-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to manage the Junos Space Security Director application and manage devices with that application. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of how to work with Security ...

  •  Sicap

    AppWall NG Technical

    Taller en SICAP (México) | Sicap | 2.239,00

    This course covers the AppWall product. It also includes an introduction to Web Application Security. Learn how Appwall helps you to enable PCI compliance by mitigating Web application security threats and vulnerabilities to prevent data theft and ...

  •  IT Institute

    Curso Fundamentos de COBIT 5

    Curso bonificable | IT Institute | A consultar

    Objetivos: El curso prepara al participante para el examen de COBIT® Foundation el cual cuenta con el respaldo de la APMG®. A quién va dirigido: Personal de soporte de TI, Consultores de TI, Usuarios clave de negocio, Gerentes y administradores de ...


    Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes

    Ciclo formativo | EL CAMPICO | 1.200

    Objetivos: La competencia general de este título consiste en documentar, instalar, configurar y utilizar cualquier equipo, utilizar los paquetes ofimáticos a un nivel profesional, crear páginas web funcionales y atractivas mediante CMS o código. ...

  •  Universidad de los Andes

    Maestría en Ingeniería de Información

    Máster en universidad de los andes (Colombia) | Universidad de los Andes | A consultar

    Nuestro portal educativo incluye en su oferta la Maestría en Ingeniería de Información impartida por la Universidad de los Andes.Durante este programa los participantes obtendrán sólidos conocimientos que les permitirán desenvolverse ...

  •  Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia

    Técnico en Mantenimiento y Reparación de Teléfonos Celulares, Smartphone y Tabletas

    Taller en Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia (Colombia) | Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia | 644 € 386 |Descuento

    Objetivos: Con esta formación aprenderás a reparar un celular, smartphone o tableta averiada por falla electrónica o virus. Requisitos: Adquirir una profesión rentable para generar ingresos y recursos propios y de esta manera contribuir al ...

  •  Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia

    Aprenda Mantenimiento y Reparación de Computadores y Portátiles

    Carrera universitaria en Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia (Colombia) | Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia | 322 € 225 |Descuento

    En el directorio de también encontrarás carreras técnicas, en esta oportunidad el Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia presenta el programa de Mantenimiento y Reparación de Computadores y Portátiles, totalmente práctico y ...

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Ciclos formativos(2)


Cursos para empresas(1)

Cursos subvencionados para desempleados (1)

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Online y a distancia (2076)

Madrid (376)

Barcelona (201)

Málaga (172)

Asturias (126)

Valencia (95)

Balears (92)

Sevilla (77)

Zaragoza (69)

Vizcaya (60)

León (56)

Jaén (54)

Alicante (51)

Pontevedra (48)

Almería (41)

Murcia (39)

Huesca (36)

Lugo (36)

Navarra (34)

Valladolid (34)

Granada (32)

A Coruña (29)

Las Palmas (29)

Guipúzcoa (27)

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (26)

Tarragona (26)

Teruel (26)

Toledo (25)

Cádiz (23)

Cáceres (22)

Ciudad Real (22)

Salamanca (22)

Álava (21)

Córdoba (21)

Girona (21)

La Rioja (21)

Segovia (20)

Castellón (19)

Huelva (19)

Lleida (19)

Badajoz (19)

Guadalajara (18)

Albacete (18)

Palencia (18)

Cantabria (18)

Burgos (18)

Cuenca (17)

Soria (17)

Zamora (17)

Avila (17)

Ceuta (16)

Melilla (16)

Ourense (10)

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En el extranjero (145)

México (71)

Colombia (37)

Reino Unido (7)

Argentina (6)

Chile (3)

Estados Unidos (2)

Puerto Rico (1)

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Promociones y descuentos



Idiomas (3257)

Informática y tecnología (405)

Administración de Sistemas Informáticos (145)

Programación (100)

Informática >> otros (39)

Ofimática (30)

Bases de datos (26)

Diseño web (18)

Telecomunicaciones (15)

Redes (13)

Sistemas operativos (10)

Internet (5)

Software (2)

Dirección de proyectos informáticos (1)

Hardware (1)

Más subcategorías

Administración y dirección de empresas (354)

Salud (335)

Ciencias sociales (199)

Hostelería (195)

Economía (192)

Legal (170)

Ingeniería (143)

Educación y formación (136)

Comunicación (132)

Oposiciones Administración de justicia (129)

Marketing (127)

Comercial y ventas (121)

Calidad, producción e I+D (107)

Deporte y ocio (84)

RRHH (83)

Sectores industriales (82)

Ciencias (82)

Moda (81)

Medio ambiente (77)

Audiovisual (72)

Acceso a estudios (68)

Oposiciones Sector administrativo (64)

Administración y secretariado (62)

Bellas artes (61)

Inmobiliaria y construcción (58)

Profesiones, artes y oficios (58)

Seguridad y vigilancia (55)

Belleza y estética (47)

Oposiciones Sector sanitario (43)

Otras categorías (38)

Veterinaria (23)

Decoración (16)

Clases particulares (11)

Náutica/Aéreo y Vial (7)

Preparar oposiciones (5)

Oposiciones Medio ambiente (2)

Oposiciones Cuerpos de seguridad (1)

Oposiciones Educación y cultura (1)

Oposiciones construcción (1)

Oposiciones economía (1)

Oposiciones Transporte (1)

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