The BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager course is designed for networking professionals to renew their understanding of DNS network systems and wide-area networks, master pre-installation information gathering, and apply this information to the process ...
This two-day course gives networking professionals hands-on knowledge of how to troubleshoot a BIG-IP LTM system using a number of troubleshooting techniques and troubleshooting and system tools. This course includes lectures, labs, and ...
This one-day course uses lectures and hands-on exercises to give participants real-time experience in setting up and configuring the BIG-IP Application Acceleration Manager (AAM) system. Students are introduced to the AAM user interface, it´s ...
At the end of the course:Start/restart, license, and provision the BIG-IP system;Use the Configuration utility and TMOS Shell (tmsh) to manage BIG-IP resources such as virtual servers, pools, pool members, nodes, profiles, and monitors;Create, ...
By the end of the course, students will learn:Initial configuration of the ASMAdministration of security policiesUse of the Visual Policy EditorTroubleshooting of the ASM Objetivos: This Three-day course network administrators and network engineer...
By the end of the course students should be able to perfom the initial configuration of the AFM, as well as the tasks of the troubleshooting the AFM . Config rules for Dos ,the reporting and logging tasks Objetivos: This is a two day courses ...
Curso enfocado a la seguridad Informática que proporciona las herramientas indispensables para la prevención y el tratamiento de ataques informáticos. Conceptos avanzados de redes Objetivos: Upon successful vompletion of this course, student will ...
Este curso esta enfocado para dar a conocer las tecnologias emergentes de TI para la parte de la nube, introduccion, uso, beneficios, y como se diferencia de algunas otras tecnologias en el mercado
Provides foundation training on how to install, configure, and manage the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall. In addition, students will learn about PAN-OSsecurity, networking, threat prevention, logging, and reporting features. All ...
2 day course teaches how Check Point´s Secure Web Gateway enables safe use of the Web Applicattions with real-time multi-layered protection taht blocks Access to malicious malware, phishing and dangerous apps by constantly updating URLs and ...
This one day course provides network professionals whith a functional understanding of the BIG-IP VIPRION chassis platform. This course includes an overview of chassis platforms, hardware options, configuration of Clustered Multi-Processing (CMP) ...
Palo Alto Networks TrapsTM Advanced Endpoint Protection prevents sophisticated vulnerability exploits and unknown malware-driven attacks. Traps accomplishes this through a highly scalable, lightweight agent that uses an innovative new approach for ...
The vendor neutral Certified Vulnerability Assessor certification course helps students understand the importance of vulnerability assessments by providing intricateknowledge and skills in the Vulnerability Assessment arena. The CVA course provides ...
This courseteaches general security awareness aswell as how to develop a strong security culture within your company’scommunity. The Social Engineeringportion of the class is designed toteach the participants the skills usedby Social Engineers to ...
Designed for students with previous XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 (Long Term Service Release) experience, who areinterested in learning about new functionality and leading practices for the latest XenApp and XenDesktop releases.Learn about ...
Palo Alto Networks® Traps™ Advanced Endpoint Protection prevents sophisticated vulnerability exploits and unknownmalware-driven attacks. Successful completion of this two-day, instructor-led course equips the student to deployTraps in large-scale ...
Course OverviewThis CLASSROOM three-day course is design ed to provide introductory troubleshooting skills for engineers in a network operations center (NOC) environment. Key topics within this course include troubleshooting methodology, ...
This two-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to manage the Junos Space Security Director application and manage devices with that application. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of how to work with Security ...
Objetivos: El curso prepara al participante para el examen de COBIT® Foundation el cual cuenta con el respaldo de la APMG®. A quién va dirigido: Personal de soporte de TI, Consultores de TI, Usuarios clave de negocio, Gerentes y administradores de ...
El secreto de la personalización en sus cursos es el número bajo de alumnos por cada uno de sus grupos académicos. Es el momento para aprovechar este curso que te ofrece Politécnico Industrial Nueva Colombia: Aplicando el sistema de valoración que ...
No tener rival en el universo de la gestión empresarial con la herramienta de consultoría SAP, la aplicación líder para el control de la empresa en su totalidad.Tener el conocimiento técnico más demandado por todas las multinacionales y grandes ...
Objetivos: Este curso tiene como objetivo formar profesionales e investigadores con conocimientos y habilidades orientados al desarrollo de nuevas estrategias computacionales y de sistemas informáticos de utilidad en la investigación biomédica.
Requisitos: No se requieren conocimientos. A quién va dirigido: A toda persona interesada en poder reparar su notebooks,
Requisitos: No se requieren conocimientos previos. A quién va dirigido: A toda aquella persona interesada en aprender a solucionar todo tipo de inconveniente que se presente en su PC.
¡¡PLAZAS LIMITADAS!!!¿Te gustaría adentrarte en el apasionante mundo del software? Si quieres orientar tu futuro profesional hacia este sector, deberías saber que acaba de añadir, a su oferta formativa, el MÁSTER Oficial SAP S/4 Hana ...
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