Curso relacionado

Taller de NetScaler Management and Optimization


Taller Presencial en SICAP (México)

Precio: 862,81 € (+ IVA)
Duración: 2 días

Resumen del taller

Students will learn the skills required to deploy and utilize the NetScaler Management and Analytics System including the ability to manage multiple NetScaler platforms centrally, orchestrate configuration changes, report on transactions passing through the NetScaler environment, visualize infrastructure, and plan expansions.

Temario completo de este curso

Skills required to implement features including Caching, Frontend Optimization, NetScaler Web logging, and TCP/HTTP optimization to optimize traffic managed by a NetScaler environment.
  • Manage multiple NetScaler platforms centrally
  • Orchestrate configuration changes
  • Reporton transactions passing through the NetScaler environment
  • Visualizeinfrastructure and plan expansion
ver temario completo

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