Grado en Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Carrera universitaria Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Duración: 4 años

Resumen de la carrera universitaria

Objetivos: The methodology is based on “learning by doing” and fosters interdisciplinarity between the areas of design, fashion, and management for creative industries through workshops and common projects. and yearly projects, as well as the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary manner on the thesis project. The program provides a structured core curriculum, providing incremental learning goals to the students throughout the four years, leading to the thesis or degree final project for real companies.

Temario completo de este curso

The first year of this degree is focused on acquiring basic concepts of design, culture and project methods. Students learn to dare to create and communicate.

As from the second year, the necessary technological and project managing tools are explored, to communicate simple and effective visual messages through the development of the own creativity and interdisciplinary methodological processes. Students concentrate on acquiring knowledge on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Apple Final Cut, etc. Also, some elements are emphasised, such as typography in an editorial context, narrative language in audiovisual pieces and motion graphics.

In the third year students develop contact with companies and also more technical and complex projects, with prototypes and real costs implied, in addition to designs for corporate identity, packaging, signage, posters, etc.

During the fourth year students take a compulsory internship in a company and each one chooses a professional profile. Creative management acquires a great relevance through project management and the capacity of implementing the knowledge acquired in the previous years. In the end, the Degree Final Project (TFE) is developed in collaboration with real companies.

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