Master in Visual Design

ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barc
ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barc

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 11.450 €
Duración: 1 años

Resumen del máster

Objetivos: With the aim of enhancing individual students’ skills, this programme focuses its goals on: Give designers the ability to understand and respond to the multifaceted reality of design. Make designers feel comfortable and prepared to tackle diverse yet complementary projects, which form the profession's current spectrum. Encourage designers to have an attitude that enables them to strategically choose the paths less travelled, which are more innovative and outstanding. Provide an overview of the current outlook from the main players in the profession. Acquire in-depth knowledge of the various kinds of projects in the publishing world for different kinds of content. Know who the main players in the publishing world are: recognise their potential and how they complement one another. Learn the tools and the specific working process of the publishing world.

Requisitos: Undergraduate Degree or higher degree in graphic design with a university qualification. Professional experience that can be recognized (in this case you will not receive the Master’s degree, but a Programme). Besides, you will need to: Have a high level of comprehension, spoken and written Spanish for the Spanish course. Have a high level of comprehension, spoken and written English for the English course. The candidate must be an efficient and self-sufficient person in the use of graphic design software.

Temario completo de este curso

  • 1 Master Project

Each course is articulated from a current topic to explore and experience how graphic design can be a tool for change and transformation of society. We will work in pairs and each team will define its own brief. We will carry out a comprehensive graphic project, to seek versatility in the face of different needs, environments, processes and languages.
1.1 Masterclasses1.2 Verbal identity1.3 Comprehensive project1.4 Consulting1.5 Design Crit1.6 Showcases and Case studies
  • 2 Fundamentals

You never know enough typography. We will continue to deepen the discipline that defines graphic design from various perspectives.
The creation of good graphic systems allows us to effectively articulate our projects across different disciplines and formats.
Experimenting is an intrinsic part that we must never forget.
2.1 Typography2.2 Graphics systems2.3 Experimentation
  • 3 Business

Graphic design isn't just about concept, shape, colour and typography. It is also a business: establishing human relationships, working as a team, looking for opportunities, making good presentations to clients, billing profitable projects... These issues are part of the day to day and must be mastered perfectly.
3.1 Design and facilitation processes3.2 Strategic design3.3 Design management3.4 Professional projection
  • 4 Workshops

The workshops allow us to complement and deepen other skills and disciplines of graphic design. They are five-day meetings with specialists and recognized professionals in which we will share experiences and synergies. They are usually scheduled from Monday to Friday.
4.1 Systemic Type Design4.2 Animated graphics systems4.3 Collaboration4.4 Degree Show
  • 5 Events

Listening is learning. Above all, when professionals, emerging or consolidated, share their life experience through their professional career. Inspiration should find you working, but also listening.
5.1 International conferences5.2 Master’s Talks
ver temario completo

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