Postgrado en Postgraduate in Coolhunting: Design and Global Trends

ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barc
ELISAVA Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barc

Postgrado Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 6.500 €
Duración: 5 meses

Resumen del postgrado

All the creative professionals interested in complementing their professional training with research and innovation tools. Businesspeople and entrepreneurs interested in exploring and creating new business models and collaboration. Engineers, technologists and techniciants interested in developing creation and innovation abilities. Professionals of other areas interested in innovating in their sector.

Temario completo de este curso

  • Urban Immersion
Focused on field work and direct application in European cities of quantitative, qualitative and data research methods and tools for people-centered design applied to the research project.
  • Business Tools
Oriented to the development of soft skills such as customer management, team management, project management and project formulation, public speaking and facilitation, among others.
  • Trends & Scenarios research project
Developed by each team for a real client that brings an innovation challenge based on research. It is mentored by program professors and developed during workshops and immersions.
  • Qualitative Research Methodologies
Methods and tools from sociology, anthropology, market research, semantics and semiotics as well as culture and society studies.
  • Critical Essays I
On current articles and books on the topics of context analysis, scenarios, futures and trend projection.
  • Methodology for Trend and Futures Studies
Methodology developed by the program that guides students step by step in the development of the research project and trend analysis for the formulation of opportunity scenarios and futures.
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