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Curso a distancia de 3D Studio Design 2012, con una carga lectiva de 250 horas. Durante todo el proceso de formación el alumno contará con el apoyo de un tutor, vía telefónica para asesorarte mejor. ...
Objetivos: Objective: This Program offers complete training to master the entire process involved in generating photorealistic images, as required by architecture and interior design industries. ...
Requisitos: Aimed at: -Graduate in Design. -Graduate in Fine Arts. -Graduate in Communication. -Professional with proven experience in this field.
Requisitos: Aimed at: Graduates in Design. Graduates in Fine Arts. Graduates in Communication. Professionals with proven experience in this field.
Objetivos: With the aim of enhancing individual students’ skills, this programme focuses its goals on:Give designers the ability to understand and respond to the multifaceted reality of design.Make ...
Objetivos: The editorial project that is based on parameters established as a basis for the periodical publication of information and/or pre-established contents.The project that is structured ...
Si trabaja en el sector del diseño gráfico y desea especializarse en el diseño de Pósters este es su momento, con el Curso de F2 Design y Dirk Fowler: Experto en Tipógrafía y Diseño de Pósters podrá ...
Objetivos: Design management graduates enter the market with a diverse skill set that will enable them to discern a good design idea from one that will not work in the current market. They will also ...
Objetivos: El curso se entiende como un aporte de motivación, de confianza, de autoconocimiento, con la intención de que cada alumno incorpore estas experiencias en su trayectoria académica y en su ...
Objetivos: The course aims to provide the knowledge for the understanding and use of design as a strategic tool to articulate and promote innovation. It seeks to train professionals to lead the ...
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