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    Objetivos: El objetivo de esta formación es formar a futuros profesionales capaces de adquirir una visión global sobre los mercados para poder diseñar estrategias en los departamentos de marketing y gestionar de manera eficiente los equipos de trabajo....

Curso de Strategic Planning for Marketing Sales and Promotion Management

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso

"Learning Objectives Discover cutting-edge strategic marketing models—and their real-world applications. Get the strategic marketing knowledge and tools to increase the spending rate of current customers and cost-effectively acquire new ones. Integrate the strategic marketing mix elements with corporate goals and maximize the benefits. Explain the strategic differences between marketing and sales and the perspectives of the two functions. Determine How Marketing Can Impact the all Areas of the Company. Explain how strategic models must evolve to meet the requirements of the changing marketplace. Provide a structured framework to develop a draft strategic plan. Familiarize participants with participatory planning methods (e.g. by role-playing) – e.g. brainstorming and group discussion methods. Choose the most effective sales promotion   tools and techniques and monitor its effectiveness. Enable participants to prepare workable and effective sales plans. Develop professionally the objectives of sales plan. Acquire skills to translate sales targets into achievable sales plan.  "

Requisitos: Anyone whose business would benefit from strategic marketing, including experienced marketing managers, directors of marketing as well as executives and managers in finance, operations, customer service, R&D and other departments who interact with colleagues in marketing. Knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing is highly recommended.

Temario completo de este curso

"The most effective method to effectively control and oversee creation costs is unpredictable yet it can be utilized to screen and control refinery’s performance. English, Arabic, Other Languages Available On Request 1 – 10 Participants Deadline for registration is 5 days prior to the course start date. A London Training for Excellence Professional certificate will be issued to all participants on completion of this course. In addition you will receive a certificate confirming the number of CPD hours achieved for this course. "
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