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  •  London Business Training & Consulting London Business Training & Consulting
    PRECIO: A consultar
    CURSO:Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

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Curso de Corporate Governance - Owners, Stakeholders, Directors and Board Structure

London Business Training & Consulting
London Business Training & Consulting

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 1 semanas

Resumen del curso

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand: The difference between shareholders and stakeholders. The various different stakeholder groups. An overview of the way that shareholders and stakeholders are provided for in various corporate governance codes and guidelines. The roles that shareholders and stakeholders can play in companies and the development of corporate governance. Who institutional investors are. The growing influence of institutional investors and why they are increasingly interested in corporate governance. The importance of institutional investors’ relationships with their investee companies and the role of stewardship. The ‘tools of governance’ that institutional investors have available to them. How to assess the potential impact of corporate governance on corporate performance. The origins of socially responsible investment. The different approaches that may be used for socially responsible (ethical) investment. The role of institutional investors in socially responsible investment. The different ethical indices that may be used to assess performance of socially responsible funds. The evidence analysing the performance of socially responsible investment funds. The distinction between unitary and dual boards. The roles, duties, and responsibilities of directors. The rationale for key board committees and their functions. The criteria for independence of non-executive (outside) directors. The role and contribution of non-executive (outside) directors. The importance of board evaluation, succession planning, and board diversity. The main features of the directors’ remuneration debate. The key elements of directors’ remuneration. The role of the remuneration committee in setting directors’ remuneration. The different measures used to link directors’ remuneration with performance. The disclosure requirements for directors’ remuneration. Possible ways of evaluating directors.

A quién va dirigido: This board member training is suitable for: heads of organisations, chief officers, chairpersons, board members and directors; those who wish to explore some of the more challenging aspects of corporate governance in the 21st century; professionals, practitioners, and management; those employed in the corporate and investment sectors, as well as public, voluntary, and non-profit organisations who wish to place much more emphasis on good governance; those who wish to understand the development of corporate governance in the last twenty-five years and its importance to the firm, to directors, shareholders, and other stakeholders, and to the wider business community.

Temario completo de este curso

Shareholders and Stakeholders
  • Stakeholder groups
  • Guidance on shareholders’ and stakeholders’ interests
  • Roles of shareholders and stakeholders
The Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance
  • Influence of institutional investors
  • Stewardship
  • Development of guidance on institutional investors’ responsibilities
  • Private equity and sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
  • Tools of corporate governance
  • Corporate governance and corporate performance
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
  • Strategies for SRI
  • Institutional investors’ policies
  • International guidance
  • CSR indices
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • The impact on shareholder value
Directors and Board Structure
  • Unitary board versus dual board
  • Role, duties, and responsibilities
  • Chief executive officer (CEO), chairperson, senior independent director, and company secretary
  • Board subcommittees
  • Remuneration, nomination, risk, and ethics committees
  • Non-executive directors
  • Director evaluation
  • Succession planning
  • Board diversity
Directors’ Performance and Remuneration
  • The directors’ remuneration debate
  • Key elements of directors’ remuneration
  • Role of the remuneration committee and remuneration consultants
  • Performance measures
  • Remuneration of non-executive directors
  • Disclosure of directors’ remuneration
  • International guidance on executive remuneration
  • ‘Say on pay’
ver temario completo

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