Curso relacionado
  •  London Business Training & Consulting London Business Training & Consulting
    PRECIO: A consultar
    CURSO:Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand:The importance of understanding impact.The ways we learn about impact and the ways it is assessed.A framework for understanding the different dimensions to impact.An overview of the...

Curso de Corporate Social Responsibility

London Business Training & Consulting
London Business Training & Consulting

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 4 días

Resumen del curso

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand: The context within which contemporary CSR has flourished. The different perspectives on and definitions of CSR. The values that companies are being asked to uphold. The main issues with which contemporary CSR is wrestling. What is meant by the term ‘sustainable development’. The evolution of sustainability. The evidence provided by scientific reports into issues of climate change. The challenges that sustainable development poses for ‘business as usual’. New models of sustainable business. The capital market implications of sustainable development. The ‘social’ aspects of sustainability. The role of business in social and economic development. What it means for business to be an agent of development. The circumstances under which business takes on a developmental role. The limitations of business as a force for development. Different meanings of globalisation. The main areas in which globalisation has an impact. The ways in which globalisation has altered trade, production, and investment. How globalisation influences governance and the implications of this for CSR. CSR as business response to the challenges of globalisation, identifying what it addresses and examining why some feel it is inadequate. Stakeholder partnerships as a response to the aspects of globalisation.

A quién va dirigido: This CSR training course is suitable for: heads of organisations, chief officers, chairpersons, board members and directors; heads of departments, and senior managers & executives interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR); managers of tomorrow who wish to develop modern business practices and find ways to act in a truly responsible way; those who see business as being increasingly central to addressing global concerns and society’s expectations of going beyond wealth creation, against a backdrop of financial crises, climate change, political shifts, and population growth; those who want their business to maximise profits whilst also being publicly accountable for its social and environmental record; those who are concerned about the role of business in modern society.

Temario completo de este curso

Introducing CSR
  • Why CSR?
  • Definitions of CSR
  • Corporate governance
  • A framework for understanding CSR
  • Values motivation
  • Limitations of CSR frameworks
Sustainable Development
  • Meanings of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’
  • Climate change and global warming
  • The challenge to business
  • New models of sustainable business
  • Capital markets and sustainable development
  • Signals to the market
  • Rewarding financial intermediaries
CSR in Developing Economies
  • Development agent or development tool?
  • Theories of development
  • The business-poverty framework
  • Business as a cause for poverty
  • Business as poverty’s victim
  • Business as a solution
  • Assessing the business response
Globalisation and CSR
  • The meaning of ‘globalisation’
  • Influence of globalisation on business
  • CSR as a response to globalisation
  • Unmet challenges
ver temario completo

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