Avda Cortes Valencianas
46015 VALENCIA (Valencia)
Único centro en Valencia que ofrece cursos oficiales de Oracle y Sun Microsystem
This course gives you direct experience with the most essential system administration tasks in the Solaris 10 OS. You will be instructed in crucial system management skills including: managing local ...
Describe network interface configuration Describe Sun Connection services Manage swap configurations,core dumps Configure NFS and AutoFS Manage storage volumes Work with ZFS Control access and ...
Describe the application model for the Java EE platform and the context for the model Develop and run an EJB technology application,a web-based user interface to an EJB technology application ...
Seleccionar un patrón J2EE -o del Grupo de los cuatro- para resolver un problema dado. Aplicar un patrón J2EE -o del Grupo de los cuatro- a una arquitectura e ...
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