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Curso de System administration for the Solaris 10 Operating System Part 2


Curso Presencial en Valencia (Valencia)

Precio: 2.288 €
Duración: no disponible

Resumen del curso

Describe network interface configuration
Describe Sun Connection services
Manage swap configurations,core dumps
Configure NFS and AutoFS
Manage storage volumes
Work with ZFS
Control access and configure system messaging
Set up name servi

Temario completo de este curso

Describing Interface Configuration
-Control and monitor network interfaces
- Configure Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) interfaces at boot

Describing the Client-Server Model
-Describe client-server processes
-Start server processes

Introducing Sun Connection Services
-Describe signed packages and patches
-Introduce Sun Connection
-Describe Sun Connection modes
-Using Update Manager
-Installing updates with Update Manager
-Administering patches from the command line

Managing Swap Configuration
-Describe virtual memory
-Configure swap space

Managing Crash Dumps and Core Files
-Manage crash dump behavior
-Manage core file behavior

Configuring NFS
-Describe the benefits of NFS
-Describe the fundamentals of the NFS distributed file system
-Manage an NFS server
-Manage an NFS client
-Enable the NFS server logging
-Manage NFS with the Solaris Management Console storage folder
-Troubleshoot NFS errors

Configuring AutoFS
-Describe the fundamentals of the AutoFS file system
-Use automount maps

Describing RAID and the Solaris Volume Manager Software
-Describe RAID
-Describe Solaris Volume Manager software concepts

Configuring Solaris Volume Manager Software
-Describe Solaris Volume Manager software concepts
-Build a RAID-0 (concatenated) volume
-Build a RAID-1 (mirror) volume for the root (/) file system

Configuring Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
-Describe RBAC fundamentals
-Describe component interaction within RBAC
-Manage RBAC by using the Solaris Management Console
-Manage RBAC by using the command line

Configuring System Messaging
-Describe the fundamentals of the syslog function
-Configure the /etc/syslog.conf file
-Configure syslog messaging
-Use the Solaris Management Console log viewer

Using Name Services
-Describe the name service concept
-Describe the name service switch file /etc/nsswitch.conf
-Describe the name service cache daemon (nscd)
-Get name service information

Configuring Name Service Clients
-Configure a DNS client
-Configure an LDAP client

Configuring the Network Information Service (NIS)
-Describe NIS fundamentals
-Configure the name service switch file
-Describe NIS security
-Configure an NIS domain
-Build custom NIS maps
-Troubleshoot NIS

Introduction to Zones
-Identify the different zones features
-Understand how and why zone partitioning is used
-Configure zones
-Install zones
-Boot zones

Introduction to the ZFS File System
-Describe ZFS and its related terms
-Understand components of a storage pool
-Create and destroy storage pools
-Query storage pool status
-Create and destroy ZFS file systems
-Manage ZFS properties
-Mount and unmount ZFS file systems
-Work with snapshots and clones
-Use ZFS datasets with Solaris zones

ver temario completo

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