Curso relacionado
  •  SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de experiencia profesional acreditada y...

Curso de Developing applications for the Java EE platform


Curso Presencial en Valencia (Valencia)

Precio: 1.905 €
Duración: no disponible

Resumen del curso

Describe the application model for the Java EE platform and the
context for the model
Develop and run an EJB technology application,a web-based user
interface to an EJB technology application
Configure the Java EE platform services layer

Temario completo de este curso

-Placing the Java EE Model in Context
-Describe the needs of enterprise applications and describe how Java
EE 5 technology addresses these needs
-Describe the Java EE 5 platform application programming interfaces
(APIs) and supporting services
-Describe the Java EE platform tiers and architectures
-Describe how to simplify Java EE application development using
architecture patterns
-Java EE Component Model and Development Step
-Describe the principles of a component-based development model
-Describe the asynchronous communication model
-Describe the process used and roles involved when developing and
executing a Java EE application
-Compare the different methods and tools available for developing a
-Java EE application and related components
-Describe how to configure and package Java EE applications
Web Component Model
-Describe the role of web components in a Java EE application
-Define the HTTP request-response model
-Compare Java servlets and components and JSP components
-Describe the basic session management strategies
-Manage thread safety issues in web components
-Describe the purpose of web-tier design patterns
-Developing Servlets
-Describe the servlet API
-Use the request and response APIs
-Forward control and pass data
-Use the session management API
-Developing With JavaServer Pages Technology
-Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism
-Author JSP pages
-Process data received from servlets in a JSP page
-Describe the use of tag libraries
-EJB Component Model
-Describe the role of EJB components in a Java EE application
-Describe the EJB component model
-Identify the proper terminology to use when discussing EJB
components and their elements
-Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans
-Compare stateless and stateful behavior
-Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless session bean
-Describe the operational characteristics of a stateful session bean
-Create session beans
-Package and deploy session beans
-Create a session bean client
-The Java Persistence API
-Describe the role of the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a Java EE
-Describe the basics of Object Relational Mapping
-Describe the elements and environment of an Entity component
-Describe the life cycle and operational characteristics of Entity
-Implementing a Transaction Policy
-Describe transaction semantics
-Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping
-Use the Java Transaction API (JTA) to scope transactions
-Implement a container-managed transaction policy
-Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components
-Predict the effect of transaction scope on application performance
-Describe the effect of exceptions on transaction state
-Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging
-Describe JMS technology
-Create a queue message producer
-Create a synchronous message consumer
-Create an asynchronous message consumer
-List the capabilities and limitations of EJB components as messaging
-Developing Message-Driven Beans
-Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans
-Create a JMS message-driven bean
-Create lifecycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean
-Web Service Model
-Describe the role of web services
-List the specifications used to make web services platform
-Describe the Java APIs used for XML processing and web services
-Implementing Java EE Web Services with JAX-WS
-Describe endpoints supported by the Java EE 5 platform
-Describe the requirements of JAX-WS Servlet Endpoints
-Describe the requirements of JAX-WS EJB Endpoints
-Develop Web Service Clients
-Implementing a Security Policy
-Exploit container-managed security
-Define user roles and responsibilities
-Create a role-based security policy
-Use the security API
-Configure authentication in the web tier

ver temario completo

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