Curso relacionado

Grado en International Business (BS)

Schiller International University
Schiller International University

Carrera universitaria Presencial en Madrid (Madrid)

Precio: 14.170 €
Duración: 4 años

Resumen de la carrera universitaria

With the rapid globalization of business, companies must expand operations internationally to remain competitive. The Bachelor of Science in International Business degree program provides the essential skills, practices and specialization for students seeking a future as international business executives. In addition to high-quality academics, Schiller International University offers its students the freedom to transfer to any of its campuses worldwide. This unique opportunity allows international business students to interact with peers from around the world and experience first-hand the global nature of business today. Additionally, earning your International Business degree online will allow you the flexibility to take classes around your schedule!

Requisitos: - Evidence of English Fluency This requirement may be waived for students who have graduated from a secondary (Associates/Bachelor’s degree seeking students) or post-secondary school or University (Master’s degree seeking) where English is the language of instruction or the country’s official language is English. This requirement can be satisfied by providing official documentation of scores achieved for one of the following English language proficiency examinations. SIU must receive the official scores via the Admissions Office. Tests must be less than two years old from date of enrollment.

Temario completo de este curso

GEB 1350—Introduction to International Business

Patterns of international trade, multinational business operations, analysis of financial structures and financing. Emphasis also on an elementary familiarization with a basic outline of international organizational administration and marketing. Aspects of the relationship between the international business organization and its environment.

BA 261—Business Law

General coverage of the fundamental principles of the important areas of business law. Designed to thoroughly acquaint the student with areas of legal sensitivity engendered in professional undertakings of personal business ventures. Laws covering the business organization.

BA 341—Business Finance

Introduces students to the basics of financial management within the medium and large-sized organization. Emphasis on current problems of finance and the development of basic principles.

BA 322—International Marketing

Entire range of international marketing, beginning with start-up operations, continuing with new market entry considerations, and concluding with the international issues confronting giant global marketers. Addresses the reality of the interchange between business and government by analyzing international marketing issues from both the business and policy perspective. Integration of the societal dimensions of diversity, environmental concerns, ethics and economic transformation.

BA 369—Introduction to Sustainable Development

This course is concerned with the challenges and opportunities of finding sustainable patterns and processes of development within the international community for the future.

BA 370—Business Communication

Aims to improve the student’s ability to write concise, well-organized, effective business messages, including letters, resumes, memorandums and reports. Strategies and techniques will be analyzed for communicating in a range of typical business situations. Writing practice.

BA 374—Statistics

The population; frequency distribution; data; graphical displays; descriptive analysis; relative and cumulative frequency distributions; population parameters; arithmetic mean, median, mode, variability, variance and standard deviation; basic definitions of probability, the addition law, conditional probability, joint probability table; the multiplication law; statistical independence, counting techniques, the factorial permutations and combinations; random variables, binomial distribution, normal distribution, sampling distributions and theory.

BA 384—Behavioral Aspects

Focuses on group behavior and leadership necessary to transform human resources into effective organizational entities. Emphasizes the theory and practice that relate to individuals interacting in the work environment. Case studies, films and guest speakers.

BA 401—Human Resources Management

Familiarizes students with the activities of a human resources (HR) manager and the specific problems of managing a workforce. Cases and simulation exercises, HR planning, training and development of employees. Problems of industrial relations.

BA 427—Marketing Management

Strategic marketing management concepts and their application. Includes the critical role of marketing in organizational performance, market-oriented strategic planning, the application of online marketing and the development of marketing programs.

BA 437—Multinational Enterprises

Comparative study of organizing and managing the multinational enterprise. Topics include: organization structure; management policy; comparative industrial relations; legal, political, and social-cultural challenges.

BA 439—International Business Policy

In-depth look at the multinational corporation as it operates and competes in the international business environment. The emphasis on organizational and administrative policies of the multinational company and their development and importance of structuring these aspects of the corporation to suit the international environment in which it operates. Examines the development of the functional skills of planning, financing, marketing and personnel management unique to the international company. The analysis of major international organizations provides current information on how these companies operate and relate theory to actual practices.

BA 469—Entrepreneurship

Disciplined and practical look at the entrepreneur and small business enterprise. Characteristics of the entrepreneur; rewards and pitfalls of new businesses; basic planning techniques for new business ventures.

MKT 2011—Priciples of Marketing

Introduction to concepts and techniques of marketing including role of advertising, marketing functions, marketing plan and marketing mix. Practical examples and applications showing major decisions marketing managers face in balancing the organizations’ objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the marketplace.

IT 103—Applications of Computers

Acquaints students with the four major applications of computers in business: word processing, databases, spreadsheets and presentation software, using Microsoft Office. Concentrates on fundamentals. “Hands-on” computer-based course. A basic review of the operational software, Windows, and introduction to the Internet Explorer and the creation of a web page document.

ACG 2001—Accounting I

Introduction to accounting theory and practice for business students and others. Basic accounting principles and procedures, financial statements.

ACG 2011—Accounting II

Introduction to accounting theory and practice for business students and others. In-depth discussion of long-lived assets, bonds, stockholders equity, etc. Introduction to cost accounting concepts, analysis of financial statements, income taxes.

EC 352—Economic Geography

Examines economic activity and production as a function of geographical location. Economic models to explain how economic activities are located, primary, secondary and tertiary production; services; a comparative analysis of global demography; rise and roles of the city and the metropolis; effects of technology; national, regional and strategic political and commercial alignments and realignments; natural resources; less developed, more developed, and developing countries, core and periphery, multinational cooperation and the global village.

EC 455—International Trade & Finance

The course covers major theories seeking to explain international trade patterns, mechanisms for international payments, systems for determining and influencing exchange rates, major international institutions influencing trade are discussed, as well as the role of international investment and multinational corporations.

AR 222—Art History

Survey of European painting, sculpture and architecture of the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and of the Romantic, Realist and Impressionist periods.

ECO 2013—Microeconomics

Production; specialization and the move-from the barter economy; concept of cost; organization of industry; private and public sector; economies of scale; consumption vs. capital goods; location of industry. Supply and demand: function of the price mechanism in a market economy (comparison with centrally planned economies); price, income and cross elasticity. Theory of the firm: price determination in perfect and monopoly markets: other forms of imperfect competition.

ECO 2023—Macroeconomics

Money and financial institutions: nature and functions of money; value of money and its measurement; inflation and deflation (introduction); savings and investment; use of credit; the capital market. National income and expenditure: national income, its measurements; flow of money income between households, firms and government; aggregate supply and demand; savings and investment; the multiplier and the accelerator; productivity; economic growth and economic indicators. Public finance: the budget; main sources of central government income and types of expenditure; monetary and fiscal policy.

EN 111—English Composition I: Expository Writing

Review of grammatical and syntactical elements, paragraph and theme development. Expository writing aimed to enhance students’ capacity to formulate, organize, and express thoughts logically, clearly and effectively. Students write short essays and read selected prose models.

EN 112—English Composition II: Persuasive Writing

Emphasizes persuasive writing. Designed to enhance students’ capacity to formulate, organize and express their thoughts cogently, as well as logically and clearly. Students evaluate, and revise short persuasive essays, and read selected practical prose models. Introduction to standard research and bibliographical techniques. Short research paper. Class discussion of both model texts and student writing.

BA/EN 200—Cross-Cultural Communication

The different cultural norms at play when people interact. An introduction to the various factors which affect communication, particularly in an international context. Emphasis on understanding oral and non-verbal cultural differences.

EN 373—Public Speaking

Fundamentals of effective business and professional speaking in English. Focus on importance of communication and public speaking for careers.

EN 490—Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication is the study of the ways in which social structuring, social assumptions, and intercultural language usage bears on interactions between members of different cultures. This course is the culmination of foundational principles presented in the core General Education coursework expressed in terms of intercultural contexts. The emphasis is on interdisciplinary activities in the fields of communication, sociology, psychology, technology, and research. Students employ critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate and integrate diverse ideas within various cultural backgrounds.

HI 225/226—European History

Survey of European History from the medieval era to the Post-World War II Era. Familiarizes students with the mainline political, socio-economic and cultural develop-ments in this time period; to show students how Europe evolved from the fall of the Roman Empire through the Early Modern Era, deals with significant new institutions and trends arising during the climax of Europe’s development and importance in the world.

IR 221—Introduction to International Relations

Introduces the vocabulary, concepts and theories of contemporary international relations analysis, including historical study of alliance systems, political and economic integration, international organizations, balances of power, and causes of war. Investigation of 20th century nationalism, imperialism, industrialization, modernization and revolution as they influence current international relations. Domestic policy and foreign affairs; influence of ideology on policy.

MGF 1101—College Math

Review of math fundamentals. Review of real numbers. Methodology to solve linear equations and functional linear applications. Maximization and minimization techniques and sensitivity techniques using linear programming methods. Basic concepts of probability and statistics and basic concepts of geometry in relation to characteristics of polygons and calculation of perimeters and volumes.

MA 172—Applied Math

This course focuses on the reasoning and technical skills necessary for students to become proficient in applying the mathematical concepts and tools of calculus.

PS 221—Introduction to Political Science

Scope and methods of political science; political behavior; process and machinery of government, including elections, parties and pressure groups; types of political systems and governments in the 20th century; classical theories of politics.

PY 1021—General Psychology

Introduction to the scientific study of motivation, perception, meaning, learning, emotions, feeling and the psychological basis of behavior. Examinations of Freudian and post-Freudian theories of personality.

PY376—Industrial Psychology

Introduction to the main concepts in psychology applicable to “industry” and “employment”. Emphasized are psychological principles as they relate to management, labor and public relations as well as perspectives for technology, education and leisure time.

SO 137—Science & Society

Science and its effects on society as a whole. Introduces energy requirements, production, conservation, population growth, disease prevention, world food shortage, conservation of resources, information technology and changing lifestyles, genetic engineering, radiation, chaos theory etc.

GE 101/102—Elementary Spanish

Basic vocabulary, pronunciation and elementary grammar . Practice of different structures using various pattern drills.

GE 201/202—Intermediate Spanish

This intermediate course consolidates the students’ knowledge of basic Spanish structures and usage. Grammar patterns discussed are, in particular, verb forms, sequence of tenses, active and passive voice, direct and indirect question, reported speech by using various pattern drills and exercises, intermediate composition, readings in Spanish literature and modern topics.

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