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Taller de Introduction to Blockchain

Z Global Group
Z Global Group

Taller Presencial en San Diego (Estados Unidos)

Precio: 447,52 €
Duración: 1 días

Resumen del taller

This one day course offers a broad introduction to Blockchain technology. It is intended for the average person unfamiliar to this technology, without using extensive technical language. This course will guide present and future business leaders more insight into how this technology developed, where its most useful applications lie, and where the near future may possible look like. It is specifically designed for the participant to take away key ideas listed below.

Objetivos: -What is Blockchain? -How does it work? -Why should anyone consider this? -Where and for what applications is it appropriate? -Who is using it and for what? -How do I get started? -What does it cost to use this technology? -What is its future?

A quién va dirigido: This course is planned for non-technical company directors who are commissioned with establishing business decisions about employing blockchain technology in their organizations. As this is not a technically heavy course, there are no practical exercises with programmable implementation of practice.

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Temario completo de este curso

Introduction to Blockchain: Utility Insight For Businesses

With the development of a new ledger system, the blockchain has opened up a host of opportunities to take advantage of. Businesses and services alike have the potential to utilize this technology to reach new heights and have a more focused targeting strategy.

This course offers a broad introduction to Blockchain technology. It is intended for the average person unfamiliar to this technology, without using extensive technical language. This course will guide present and future business leaders more insight into how this technology developed, where its most useful applications lie, and where the near future may possible look like. It is specifically designed for the participant to take away key ideas listed below.

Program Benefits:
  • What is Blockchain? – Context and relation to today’s Internet
  • How does it work? – Non-technical technology overview
  • Why should anyone consider this? – Benefits of technology
  • Where and for what applications is it appropriate? – Different use cases
  • Who is using it and for what? – Current rate of adoption
  • How do I get started? – Implementation process
  • What does it cost to use this technology? – Costs and procedures
  • What is its future? – Future of Blockchain and its ensuing technology
Topics Covered:

Module 1: What is Blockchain?

  • Overview of Technology
  • Historical Developments
  • Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) & Blockchain

Module 2: Insight Into Technology (Non-technical)

  • Cryptography for Executives
  • Key Concepts
  • Public Ledgers
  • Types of Hashes and Functions
  • Peer to Peer Process
  • Distributed Nodes
  • Digital Tokens
  • Smart Contracts
  • Bitcoin Mining
  • Authorization & Authentication
  • Security

Module 3: Advantages of Blockchain

  • Benefits – Myths & Facts
  • Value of Blockchain
  • Value of Smart Contracts
  • Role & Value of Digital Tokens
  • Common misconceptions
  • Limitations

Module 4: Blockchain Utility

  • Overview of different use cases
  • Appropriate times to use and not use it
  • Differences in Digital Wallet Systems
  • Payment Systems and Money Transfers
  • Tracking Transactions & Management of Accounts
  • Bookkeeping
  • Resource Organization
  • Fiscal Resolutions
  • Securities Dealings
  • Virtual Agreements

Module 5: Commercial Interest and Adoption

  • Which organizations are utilizing this technology?
  • Why are individuals using it?
  • Fiscal Services Industry
  • Banking Industry
  • Securities & Trading Industry
  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Technology Industry
  • Legal Industry
  • Insurance
  • Supply Chain
  • Computer and Hardware Industry
  • Real Estate Industry
  • Data Analytics
  • Government Currencies

Module 6: Implementation

  • Where To Begin and Establish
  • Outline of Necessities & Business Utilization
  • Proof of Concept Advancement
  • Environment of Different Gears
  • Operational Approach
  • Costs of Use

Module 7: Future of Blockchain

  • What is its future?
  • Industry by Industry Outlook

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