Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 253 € 239 €

    Objetivos: El objetivo principal del presente curso es proporcionar a sus alumnos los conocimientos y las herramientas básicas para la gestión de proyectos. Requisitos: Navegador Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 o superior. No se garantiza su óptimo func...


CEPADE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
CEPADE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Postgrado Online

Precio: 480 €

Resumen del postgrado

METODOLOGÍA DEL CURSO. The course provides a learning methodology that enables students to put into practice their knowledge in a practical way throughout their individual assignments. These tasks are based on their knowledge building which highly depend on a discrete sequential decision-making process. In the first assignment students will develop the audit of a sample case, which have some pitfalls, by covering aspects like project scope, time scheduling and cost estimation. In the second assignment, students are expected to provide further analysis and produce a synthetic view of the project plan they have audited, then a risk management plan will be expected as outcome. As for the assessment procedure, students’ work will be assessed on an individual basis. Students may contact the instructor if they think their work is being copied by others. Plagiarism is a second form of cheating which will not be accepted in this course. First, students can neither present the language and/or idea of an author as their own work, nor copy passages from textbooks or journals without acknowledging the source. When copying word for word from someone else’s work, the copied passage must be put in quotation marks and the source must be accurately acknowledged. When paraphrasing someone else’s passage quotation marks will not be used but the source must also be acknowledged, even if the passage has be taken form the Internet. In all these plagiarism cases, students will be failed accordingly.

Temario completo de este curso

An Introduction to Project Management.
Project Scope Management.
Project Time Management.
Project Cost Management.
Project Quality Management.
Resource Management.
Project Communication Management.
Project Risk Management.
Project Procurement Management.
Project Stakeholder Management.
Project Integration Management.

OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO. Learning Outcomes This course looks to provide participants with the knowledge and skills on specific aspects to successfully manage projects. In this course, students will learn how to identify and to define projects. Participants will discover the relevance of scope management both from theory to practice, by means of first assignment. In addition, this course will cover project time management, including project control strategies and all other project management areas according PMI PMBoK standard. The course will not cover agile techniques nor critical chain philosophy. This course is intended as a vehicle splitting all relevant areas of activity related to project management without making particular attention to the specific field where the project is running. The course provides knowledge and specific skill capabilities throughout individual assignments. These individual assignments are synchronized with the cognitive process for knowledge gathering. The first one is focused in applying the knowledge acquired by developing the scope, time scheduling, cost estimation and planning the quality for a project selected by the student. The second one requires to perform, for the same previous selected project, the human resource plan, the communication needs, a risk analysis, a procurement plan and a stakeholder management plan. Learning objectives can be seen in different ways
ver temario completo

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