Requisitos: Titulación específica para acceso.
ProgramaPrimer y Segundo Ejercicios:•Derecho Constitucional, Derechos Fundamentales y Organización del Estado (5 temas).•Organización y Estructura del Poder Judicial (11 temas).•Procedimientos Judiciales:oNormas comunes a todos los proced...
Objetivos: Este curso te prepara, tanto a nivel de conocimientos técnicos como en la aplicación procedimental, para obtener mayores garantías de éxito a la hora de realizar las oposiciones. El curso comprende dos oposiciones de temario parejo, ...
Oposición de Operario Laboral del SERGAS 2ª.Opción (albañiles, electricistas, fontaneros, jardinero, peones, etc.) Objetivos: • Organizar y realizar los trabajos de albañilería como obra de fábrica cubiertas cerámicas y revestimientos de morteros y ...
En Centro de Estudios Acua se desarrollan métodos didácticos adaptados a los nuevos conocimientos, con programas de estudio continuamente actualizados y adaptados a los últimos cambios tecnológicos, para que obtengas los mejores resultados en las ...
Préparate y consigue tu plaza como Personal de la Administración de JusticiaAprobada la Oferta de Empleo Público 2017, con un total de 3074 plazas, un 40% más que en 2016. De las 3074 PLAZAS, la distribución por Cuerpos sería:• Auxilio Judicial ...
Objetivos: Mediante el estudio de los contenidos propuestos por el centro, adquirirás nociones generales sobre las bibliotecas nacionales, públicas, universitarias, especializadas, escolares o infantiles. Además, te capacitarás para gestionar ...
Objetivos: Superar las fases de las oposiciones de Auxiliares, Ayudantes, Conservadores de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos. Requisitos: Muchas ganas. A quién va dirigido: Opositores de museos.
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
Objetivos: This is an intensive program with a great degree of self-assessment. The overarching objectives of the 3 days include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore yo...
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