Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Eskil Training’s ‘Executive Stress Management’ program is a 2-day experience for people operating in the boardroom as we explore stress, the impact of it and how we can not only cope with current stress levels but also identify the triggers and set ...
Objetivos: - Acquaint yourself with the principles of Team Cohesiveness; understand the 6 Work Success Factors. - Recognise the blockers and enablers of cohesion in your organisation. - Explore the creation of self-governing teams. - See th...
Objetivos: During the 4 days, focusing on your Quadruple Bottom Line, such outcomes include: Understand the UN Global Compact and what it means to your organisation; Understand your organisation's current CSR commitment; Assess your current CSR ...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this intrapreneurship workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: - Und...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this intrapreneurship workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: - Und...
Objetivos: Este workshop está direcionado para resultados concretos e tem o seu enfoque no nosso modelo de referência – os 4 Pilares da RSC – rentabilidade, comunidade, a ecologia e inovação – e assegura o seu alinhamento com o propósito e valores ...
A quién va dirigido: El curso para preparar las oposiciones de auxiliar administrativo va dirigido a todas aquellas personas que quieran conseguir una plaza fija en la Administración Pública.
Requisitos: Ser español o nacional de un Estado de la Unión Europea o nacional de algún Estado al que en virtud de tratados internacionales celebrados por la Unión Europea y ratificados por España sea de aplicación la libre circulación de ...
El Cuerpo de Policía Nacional es un Instituto armado de naturaleza civil, que depende del Ministerio del Interior. Es responsable de la vigilancia de zonas urbanas, llevando a cabo investigaciones penales, judiciales, terroristas, así como ...
Los militares de Tropa y Marinería constituyen la base de la estructura orgánica y operativa de las Fuerzas Armadas, desempeñando trabajos y cometidos en aplicación de procedimientos establecidos o los que se les encomiende por órdenes concretas. ...
Objetivos: Si tu objetivo es conseguir una estabilidad laboral y tener asegurado un sueldo para toda la vida, ¡Prepárate las Oposiciones de Operador Comercial de Ingreso N2 y aprueba con plaza en la próxima convocatoria estatal! Requisitos: FP ...
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