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Master en Service Design

En estos momentos el centro IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 14.400 €
Duración: 6 meses

En estos momentos el curso no está disponible

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Resumen del máster

What does designing for service mean? So far, academics and practitioners in service design have defined it from three major perspectives. The first focus in the field lied in orchestrating delightful and smooth online and offline experiences. This has now expanded to sensing opportunities and developing them into new arrangements for creating value with users and multiple stakeholders. Even further, to ensuring that all stakeholders participate actively in defining new practices and narratives about what is valuable. Each of those perspectives implies different mindsets, tools and practices; that is, different skills, some of which are at the forefront of service design. #2Designers typically bring a few of those skills to the table: connecting with users and developing empathy, dealing with ill-structured problems, inspiring and looking at issues with fresh eyes, putting hierarchy temporarily on hold, using inviting ways of working, visualizing and prototyping, as well as a bias towards future. Other skills, however, pose a considerable challenge: from thinking in systems, understanding power issues, including questioning one’s own role, and dealing with the complexity of human relations, not as a context, but as an object of design, to data analysis, business modelling and other competencies in strategy and operations traditionally associated with management.

Objetivos: To understand the diverse conceptual perspectives of service design and the criteria for deciding which of them is the best fit for each design intervention. - To practice specific approaches, methods and tools for creating new services, evaluating and transforming existing services and implementing change in service organizations. - To encourage an exploratory attitude, self-organization and abilities to collaborate in multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary teams, as well as with multiple users and other stakeholders. - To foster sensitivity and critical sense towards the latest developments in service design, and socio-technical developments that have an impact on the service economy.

Temario completo de este curso

The teaching programme is divided into 1 Specific Module and 2 Common Modules. The Specific Module is the proper course and develops the professional specialization.The Common Module are shared by all Master’s degree courses because they lay the groundwork of a common culture for the entire IED Barcelona community. Specific Module of the Master in Service Design The specific module is divided into complementary subjects that roughly follow the development stages of service design projects. Most subjects are iteratively revisited and extended with each project and service design perspective.INSIGHTS INTO OPPORTUNITY AREAS AND EXISTING SERVICE EVALUATION Understanding and practice of human science and design research methods for discovering opportunities and evaluating existing services. The emphasis of this subject lies in how to design and carry out qualitative and ethnographic research for understanding the user world or the problem space. But quantitative research, analytics and hypotheses formulation are also covered. And so is research on the competitive and collaboration environment. Experimenting with nimble models for qualitative and participatory evaluation of existing services.CO-CREATION, DEVELOPMENT & EVALUATION OF NEW SERVICES Understanding and practice of stakeholder engagement in a participatory design mindset through generative tools and other techniques for co-creation. The core of this subject lies in techniques and approaches for learning about the solution space and iterative development of services, such as exploratory and participatory service prototyping, and evaluative service simulation and hypothesis driven tests. Master Profesional Service Design 2019-20209However, speculative design, provotypes and other forms of broadly exploring the solution space and questioning consequences of new practices and solutions will also be mentioned. Experimenting with nimble models for formative evaluation of new services. SERVICE BUSINESS, STRATEGY AND CULTURE Understanding and practice of project and service management in self-organized teams. Scoping, roadmapping and tracking service development and performance results. Slow transformation and fast optimization of services. Service design in lean and agile driven product organizations. Experimenting with service business modelling, creating and validating business hypotheses, and understanding strategy within service ecosystems. Understanding what constitutes a service orientation, which organizational structures support it, and how to achieve them through culture hacking and change management.MASTER’S FINAL PROJECT The latest and longest team project is considered the Master’s Final Project. Students confront the same stages as in previous projects, by applying the knowledge and tools they have acquired in the different subjects. The final project addresses a complex issue arising from real needs and open to a multitude of proposals. As in the rest of the course projects, managing the relationship with the client organization and other stakeholders is key. For the delivery of the project, students are expected to link the theoretical framework and foundations of service design to their work and to reflect critically on their own learning, development process and results.Classroom Common Module: Communication tools and personal promotion DESIGNING FOR THE MANY This is an educational innovation project set within the framework of courses at the IED Master Barcelona school that has been developed to conduct research into the capacity, strategies and impact of design in constructing our society, raising questions about its cultural, productive, economic or political aspects.DESIGN TOUR Visit of Barcelona with the aim to know the city from the point of view its culture and the creative people producing their work within it. The Design Tour is specifically designed to match with the aim of the master course.PUBLIC SPEAKING Develop confident, clear and creative public speaking skills. Students are trained in their ability to express concepts persuasively and work is also done on body language, reading and non-verbal language practice.PORTFOLIO AND PERSONAL BRANDING The portfolio resumes the progress and competences acquired during the course. It’s a communication tool that incudes the professional and the academic experience and shows the student’s personal branding Online Common Module: Design Culture ITALIAN DESIGN CULTURE AND HISTORY Acquisition of knowledge about the precedents of world design with a special emphasis on Italian culture, which is an integral part of the IED Barcelona ethos. DESIGN PROCESS Visualization, knowledge of the different steps driven to the creative problem solvingSOCIAL DESIGN AND SUSTAINABILITY Completion of projects to ensure a balance between economic growth, environmental stewardship and social welfare, taking into account the environmental impact of any proposal during each of its phases.
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