Master International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture

En estos momentos el centro UIC Barcelona no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

UIC Barcelona
UIC Barcelona

Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 10.380 €

Resumen del máster

The ever-growing impact of climate change, military conflicts, rapid urbanisation and economic crises presents a clear need and opportunity for qualified professionals in both developed and developing countries. This master's degree is the only such programme with a joint focus on international cooperation, sustainable urban development and emergency architecture. It provides students with the theoretical and methodological background necessary to develop an interdisciplinary approach and manage projects in cooperation and sustainable development ranging from the urban to the architectural scale. Professionals involved in these areas need to understand that their role in the complex system of international cooperation is to seek holistic solutions that integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and citizen participation. It is essential to understand the physical, social and cultural substrates of the cities or territories in which the interventions take place and analyse the context at all scales throughout the intervention process in order to establish a critical approach and proposals in accordance with their urban legacies. This master's degree deals with three main topics: international cooperation, sustainable development and emergency architecture. The programme includes courses that will help students implement this necessary multidisciplinary approach and complement it with alternative planning, urban and architectural strategies aimed at promoting social cohesion. Students will be introduced to different contexts and situations so as to acquire the skills necessary to critically analyse and manage complex problems. They will learn to maximise human resources to deal with and support local actors in post-disaster scenarios and tackle urban upgrading strategies in both developed and developing countries.

Objetivos: • A master's degree that prepares architects and other professionals to develop and rebuild communities affected by rapid urbanisation, poverty, conflict and natural disasters. • One of the only master's programmes with a joint focus on international cooperation, sustainable urban development and emergency architecture, promoting a holistic approach that integrates interdisciplinary knowledge and citizen participation and enables practitioners to manage projects in cooperation and sustainable development ranging from the urban to the architectural scale. • The programme boasts a prestigious roster of international lecturers and collaborating institutions and forms part of the Erasmus Mundus European Cooperation Programme. It is based in Barcelona, at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona).

Requisitos: Applicants must have a university degree. The programme is intended for graduates from the following areas: • Architecture • Urban Planning • Urban Design • Engineering • Environmental Design • Geography

Información adicional

El curso se imparte exclusivamente en inglés.

ver información adicional

Temario completo de este curso

  • Subject 1: Global Identity and Development
  • Subject 2: Urbanism and housing in developing contexts
  • Subject 3: Design Tools

  • The most practical part of the course will take place during the FIELD TRIP & INTERNSHIP
  • Subject 4: Field trip, Internship

  • The dissertation will be prepared in Term 3
  • Subject 5: Studio Project (Masters dissertation)

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