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    PRECIO: A consultar
    MÁSTER:Presencial en Madrid

    Requisitos: Perfil recomendado:Titulación universitaria. Un año de experiencia laboral.

Master in International Industrial Project Management "Gestamp".

Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Máster Presencial en Madrid (Madrid)

Precio: 15.000 €

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Resumen del máster

The Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Gestamp offer this innovative master in international project management in the automotive industry, combining academic excellence with industrial and internationalization experience. The Master in International Industrial Project Management offer this postgraduate program focus on: 5 months of education and training in Comillas, internationally renowned for its academic degrees and research fields in engineering and business. 4 months in real project management work experience at Gestamp's plants worldwide. Financial aid for students who stand out due to their achievements. The chance to join Gestamp as a project leader to students with the highest potential.

Objetivos: • The Master in International Industrial Project Management will prepare the participants for the integrated management of industrial projects in a global, highly complex environment; through a very practical approach, in which project management fundamentals will be combined with a real project management work experience at Gestamp's plants worldwide. • The Master will provide participants deep knowledge about project management's main areas: technologies, production techniques, business management and human resources; applied to different types of projects. • The Master will focus in all variables within international project management, as well as it will teach how to integrate project management with strategy and business processes. • The Master combines academic excellence in engineering (Comillas ICAI) and business (ICADE Business School) with the industrial and internationalization experience of Gestamp.

Requisitos: • Recent graduates in Engineering, Administration and Business Management and other university degrees related to project management. • Good academic record. • B2 English level according to the CEFR. • Professional and personal experience, languages, communication skills and the ability to work in a team will be positively considered.

A quién va dirigido: Recent graduates with the determination to build a professional career in international project management. The candidates should be dynamic, openminded people with the desire to start and develop an international career.

Información adicional

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Temario completo de este curso

  • Economic-financial management
  • Operations management
  • Strategic management
  • Quality management and control
  • Lean management
  • International project management
  • Product design and manufacturing process
  • Human resources management
  • Management skills
  • Master thesis and project management work experience at Gestamp’s plants worldwide
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