Master in Digital Marketing [MDM]

Esic, Business & Marketing School
Esic, Business & Marketing School

Máster Presencial en Pozuelo de Alarcon (Madrid)

Duración: 12 meses

Resumen del máster

Know more about the most successful techniques of digital marketing with the master in digital marketing of esic. The Master in Digital Marketing is an innovative, academically sound, practice-driven, and digital marketing-focused program, reflecting the current challenges of the marketplace. The main objective of the MDM is to help and support students to make the transition into strategic management, in the area of digital marketing in particular. Participants have the opportunity to reinforce their marketing skills by attending a one-week curricular Business Study Tour at INSEEC School of Business & Economics LONDON (London, England).

Objetivos: 1. One of the main objectives of the Master in Digital Marketing is to cover the new demands for digital marketing skills in the market with a practical approach that allows students to understand and know how to develop all the knowledge acquired throughout the Master. 2. Prepare students for a new digital environment and train them for the new challenges that companies face in a constantly changing digital market. 3. Obtain the key skills and knowledge to create, develop and evaluate online strategies and marketing and digital communication plans, which will allow them to face the challenges of companies in the current and future context. 4. Have a working knowledge of the main technologies on which the different disciplines of digital marketing are based. 5. Increase the employability of students in the field of international opportunities by having received training in English is one of the growth opportunities that the Master in Digital Marketing of ESIC offers to its students.

Información adicional

Desglose de convocatorias y precios por sede:

Madrid - Precio: 22.100€
Barcelona - Precio: A consultar..

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Temario completo de este curso


  • Innovation in a disruptive world
  • Critical thinking and the art of decision-making
  • Conscious leadership
  • Persuasive communication
  • Business ethics & sustainability
  • Business strategy in global environments


Category subjects

  • Digital Metamorphosis: The Technology Factor
  • Feeling and listening to the market
  • Strategic marketing
  • Finance for marketing management: creating stakeholder value

Subjects specific to your degree

  • Digital media planning
  • Media mix in digital campaigns
  • SEM
  • Social media
  • SEO
  • Marketing technology applied to customer
  • Customer relationship management
  • E-commerce project
  • Business Study Tour


Subjects or activities are freely chosen by the student to personalise a part of their master's degree and thus complete their skills development. Students can choose subjects related or unrelated to their discipline, experience what it is like to study abroad, or prepare for a certification.

It will be possible to take the elective courses in English or Spanish and select the ones that are of most interest to the students, regardless of the category of the program they are taking. There are two levels for each elective subject; an essential level or an advanced level, which will depend on the content of the program.

  • Category subjects


  • Management & Investment on financial assets
  • The Start Up journey
  • Re & Upskilling: boost your professional efficiency
  • The journey to develop a global business


  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Automation for Operational Marketing
  • Purpose Branding
  • Sales 4.0: new digital models


  • Essential cybersecurity for non-technical Executives
  • Essential Big Data and IA for non-technical Executives
  • Internet of Value (Technologies for non-technical Executives)
  • Business 4.0: Process Automation (RPA)

*The teaching (remote model) of these subjects will be subject to timetables depending on the composition of groups, and may not coincide with the programme timetable.

  • Subjects to prepare for certification
  • Google tools for decision making (Google Tools)
  • Software for Smart Marketing (Hubspot Software Marketing)
  • Advanced Marketing (CIM - Chartered Institute of Marketing)
  • Scrum in practice (Professional Scrum Máster Certification -PSM)
  • People Analytics (Certificate Program)

*This does not include exam fees for any certification or individual CIM tutoring.


This consists of an actual digital marketing plan and that represents a challenge where the student must demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met and that all the skills acquired during the course have been put into practice.

Individual project.

The objective of the Final Project is to give the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge and experience acquired during the program by applying it to a comprehensive digital marketing plan. During the development of the project, the student is expected to work self-taught and learn to self-manage their own project. The work will be developed individually and its objective is to develop the skills and professional competencies required to implement a digital action plan from the research phase to the development of the most appropriate digital actions to achieve the planned objectives. To guarantee the quality the execution and the results of the Final Project, each student will be assigned a dedicated tutor during the course of it.

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