Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 199 €

    Objetivos: "Este curso de Fashion communication te da las claves profesionales sobre la comunicación en el sector de la moda. Estudia cuestiones como el enfoque stakeholder, los planes de comunicación o las relaciones con la prensa. Todo ello y mucho m...

Curso de Verano en Fashion Product Management

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Duración: 2 semanas

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Resumen del curso

The Summer Course in Fashion Product Management provides all the right tools to develop a strategic and innovative method to manage fashion products, taking into account the brand’s positioning and values. This course covers the basic principles of business management in the fashion market context, providing significant insight into product processes, marketing and communication strategies, as well as trend inspiration and production mechanisms with a creative and cultural basis.

Objetivos: – Learn to develop a collection strategy, pointing to markets while being creative. – Know and use the necessary tools to implements a product strategy in tune with target and brand positioning; an integral project for a fashion product where the priority will be to define a brand style to set a stand-out position in the market. – Build a collection, its structure, extent and profundity, through sales, competence and trends analysis to develop an optimal collection considering final value, time and costs. – Develop the processes of collections, purchases, providers management and product logistics. – Understand the intervention degree of each actor (design, product, commercialization and communication) to obtain a successful collection. – Qualify students to face real situations in the field of fashion coherently and with a professional attitude.

A quién va dirigido: This course is addressed to: – Graduates in fashion design and marketing who want to improve their knowledge of fashion products to go into professional industry. – Salespeople, and sales and retail managers, interested in going more deeply into the field of fashion products to enhance their skills and stand out from other professionals. – Creatives from different fields (graphic, interior or product design) attracted by the fashion system and the functioning of collection and interested in broaden and specialise the proposals to be given to their clients. – Product, production and logistics managers, and sales planners, who want to attain a wider vision of fashion and comprehend the creation of collections adapting them to trends and markets at the same time. – Visual managers and agencies looking for a broadening of their product strategic visual, its movement in stores and its adaptation to the needs that users have.

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Temario completo de este curso

The development of the didactic sessions, modules and exercises of this intensive course means to imitate the process and the professional management of a fashion project. In this way, the course is divided into different types of educational sessions:

Theoretical lectures: provide updated professional information as well as the knowledge bases to meet the proposed projects during the course. In addition, the course offers a bibliography and appendices with additional readings.

Experimental classes: case studies. To analyze and deepen into the experiences made by companies in the sector forms a fundamental learning. It is not about imitating strategies of other companies, but analyzing its fundamentals, applications, impact, market, etc., to extract the sufficient information and analysis to enable us to face our challenges with confidence and knowledge.

Projects: The purpose of every professional course of the school is the final development of professional projects, therefore, throughout the course the performance various practice exercises is included, which show that the path of the course is developed maintaining the “work in progress” dynamic. These exercises are an important first contact with real cases that can be found in the professional world.

Workshops: some highly practical subjects are developed imitating workshop sessions, so fundamentals are put into practice, such as well-planned teamwork observing a specific briefing for each session.

Professional talks: the educational curriculum of the course is completed with the presence of professional talks, which put students in contact with professionals from relevant in-sector companies. This is certainly a unique opportunity to learn and network with professionals from different fields of fashion.

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