Lo sentimos, tu búsqueda ahora no ha obtenido resultados.
Te avisamos cuando haya cursos con esas características. Crea una alerta y te enviaremos GRATIS por correo electrónico las novedades que se publiquen.

Tu búsqueda no ha obtenido resultados. Te mostramos otros cursos que te pueden interesar.

  •  Training & Quality

    Français niveau C1 - curs 2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à comprendre des conférences et des discours assez longs et même suivre une argumentation complexe si le sujet lui en est relativement familier.Unité 1 - ...

  •  Training & Quality

    Français niveau C1 - curs 3

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    Au fur et à mesure de la progression, l'élève apprendra à comprendre des conférences et des discours assez longs et même suivre une argumentation complexe si le sujet lui en est relativement familier.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 450

    El estudiante iniciará el proceso a partir del nivel que elija y continuará superando los exámenes hasta que no pueda pasar al siguiente nivel. Esto determinará en qué nivel el estudiante comienza su curso de estudio.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français A1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 30

    Esta primera prueba se compone de diferentes actividades gramaticales que permiten hacer una evaluación del nivel A1.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français A2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 30

    Esta segunda prueba permite profundizar los temas abordados en el nivel A1.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français B1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 30

    Dans ce test, la partie grammaticale évaluera l'utilisation correcte des pronoms posses-sifs, il y aura également un approfondissement de l'utilisation des temps du passé.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français B2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 30

    Dans ce test, les exercices grammaticaux permettent d'évaluer les différentes formes négatives, les pronoms relatifs, l'expression d'un reproche, ainsi qu'une série d'exercices de conjugaison.

  •  Training & Quality

    Tests de niveau de français C1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 30

    Dans ce dernier test, la partie grammaticale évalue de manière plus approfondie l'utili-sation correcte des différents temps du passé: imparfait, passé composé et plus que parfait, l'utilisation adéquate ...

  •  Training & Quality

    English Complete

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 1.259

    In this course, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to C1 or Proficient User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English Level A1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 318

    In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to (approximately) A2 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English level A1 - course 1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 170

    In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English level A1 - course 2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 170

    In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner to aquire the A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English level A2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 338

    In this second level of five, the student will continue to build on the previously learnt fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from A1 to A2 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English level A2 - course 1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and conti-nue the transition from A1 to A2 from Breakthrough to Waystage.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level A2 - course 2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and begin the transition from A2.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 495

    In this third level of five, the student will continue to learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, being taken from A2 to B1/Pre-B2 level or Independent User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B1 - course 1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from A2 to B1.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B1 - course 2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from A2 to B1.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B1 - course 3

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 302

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the crossover from B1 to a B2.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 374

    In this fourth block the learner continues to build on all previous units through a series of exercises which draw on past subject matter and structures whilst presenting new themes and functions.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B2 - course 1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from B1 to a B2.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B2 - course 2

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and con-tinue the crossover from B1 to a more solid B2.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level B2 - course 3

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and finish the crossover from B1 to a B2.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level C1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 495

    Whilst revising and recycling the structures and vocabulary covered in previous blocks, the learner receives extensive practice in all areas.

  •  Training & Quality

    English level C1 - course 1

    Curso subvencionado online | Training & Quality | 181

    In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and complete the crossover from B2/pre-C1 to a C1 Proficient User level.

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Por palabra clave

Tipo de formación


Cursos subvencionados para trabajadores (480)

Cursos subvencionados para desempleados (21)

Curso de compra online(367)



Cursos para empresas(31)



Formación ocupacional(8)

Carreras universitarias(5)

Más tipos


Online y a distancia (447)

Madrid (114)

Barcelona (65)

Tarragona (33)

Reus (15)

Cambrils (12)

Tarragona (5)

L' Ametlla de Mar (1)

Guipúzcoa (16)

Lleida (7)

Asturias (7)

Alicante (6)

Granada (5)

Zaragoza (5)

Málaga (4)

Murcia (3)

Valencia (3)

Valladolid (3)

Girona (2)

Jaén (2)

Las Palmas (2)

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2)

Cádiz (1)

Castellón (1)

Ciudad Real (1)

A Coruña (1)

Lugo (1)

Pontevedra (1)

Salamanca (1)

Almería (1)

Sevilla (1)

Soria (1)

Vizcaya (1)

Badajoz (1)

Balears (1)

Burgos (1)

Más provincias

Promociones y descuentos


Informática y tecnología



Inglés (236)

Francés (91)

Alemán (84)

Español (59)

Otros idiomas (4)

Italiano (3)

Idiomas + trabajo (2)

Filología y traducción (1)

Más subcategorías





Administración y dirección de empresas

Calidad, producción e I+D

Educación y formación


Medio ambiente

Comercial y ventas


Administración y secretariado


Sectores industriales

Profesiones, artes y oficios

Belleza y estética

Seguridad y vigilancia

Inmobiliaria y construcción

Ciencias sociales


Otras categorías

Deporte y ocio


Náutica/Aéreo y Vial



Bellas artes

Acceso a estudios

Más Temáticas

Otras características

Cursos gratis

Practicas en empresas


Bolsa de empleo

Cursos bonificables

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