Nuestros temarios se adaptan a las particularidades y necesidades específicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes. Se analizan los conceptos báscios e indispensables del tema. Se dan ejemplos prácticos sobre los temas. Se brindan ...
Nuestros temarios de adaptan a las particularidades y necesidades específicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes. Se analizan los conceptos básicos e indispensables del tema. Se dan ejemplos prácticos sobre el tema. Se dan ...
Objetivos: Typical objectives include: Link leadership psychology with organizational success; Explore the Integrated Psychology of Leadership; See how the 5 aspects of emotional intelligence drive leadership capability; and Build your personal ...
Objetivos: Objectives & Outcomes include: - Build an understanding of your own emotional intelligence and how your colleagues perceive you. - Explore your inner thinking as you identify and address negative behaviours. - Understand why you ...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this transformational leader behaviour workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives ...
Objetivos: Typical objectives include: Understand the issues based around intrapreneurship; align intrapreneurship to CSR; Identify your corporate catalysts; understand your current ecosystem. - Map your target model. - Develop your idea manage...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this corporate strategy workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: - I...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this corporate strategy workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: ...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: - Build an understandi...
Objetivos: As part of the registration process, we consult with you to fully understand your own objectives for this workshop. We work to ensure that our content remains relevant to your needs. Typical objectives include: Understand the dynamic ...
Objetivos: The objective of this workshop is simple: to help raise the game of your sales team through strategic thinking. A quién va dirigido: Eskil has successfully delivered sales workshops to: Corporate Sales; Business Development Managers; ...
Cursos para empresas(11)
Online y a distancia (11)
Administración y dirección de empresas
Informática y tecnología
Calidad, producción e I+D
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Profesiones, artes y oficios
Sectores industriales
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Administración y secretariado
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Oposiciones Servicios sociales y empleo
Inmobiliaria y construcción
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