This two-week course is designed for medical practitioners (doctors, nurses, care-workers, etc.) who need to use Spanish in their workplace.
The Educational Centre offers Business Spanish Courses designed to help students who need to use the language in a working environment.
This Course contents 20 Spanish Language lessons and two different diving courses. Playa del Carmen is the perfect location for students to learn Spanish. It's also a great place to learn to dive.
This two-week course is designed for medical practitioners (doctors, nurses, care-workers, etc.) who need to use Spanish in their workplace.
This Course contents 20 Spanish Language lessons and two different diving courses. Playa del Carmen is the perfect location for students to learn Spanish. It's also a great place to learn to dive.
This Course includes 20 Spanish Language lessons and 3 Latin Dance hours per week. Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Samba... the list of Latin dances is a long one.
The Intensive Spanish course covers such skills as grammar, reading and writing, conversation and exercises.
This course consists of 20 lessons per week of Spanish Language and 3 Mexican Cooking classes per week.
The Intensive Spanish course covers such skills as grammar, reading and writing, conversation and exercises.
This course consists of 20 lessons per week of Spanish Language and 3 Mexican Cooking classes per week.
This Course contents 20 Spanish Language lessons and two different diving courses. Playa del Carmen is the perfect location for students to learn Spanish. It's also a great place to learn to dive.
This Course includes 20 Spanish Language lessons and 3 Latin Dance hours per week. Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa, Samba... the list of Latin dances is a long one.
This Course combines an Intensive Group Course in the morning with 3 additional hours of Mexican Culture per week. Besides the intensive Spanish course, students can learn very important cultural aspects of the country whilst practicing Spanish.
Our 2-week course consists of a group intensive course (20 hours per week) plus 10 hours of private (1:1 or 2:1) DELE preparation.
The Educational Centre offers Business Spanish Courses designed to help students who need to use the language in a working environment.
This Course contents 20 Spanish Language lessons and two different diving courses. Playa del Carmen is the perfect location for students to learn Spanish. It's also a great place to learn to dive.
Our 2-week course consists of a group intensive course (20 hours per week) plus 10 hours of private (1:1 or 2:1) DELE preparation.
The Educational Centre offers Business Spanish Courses designed to help students who need to use the language in a working environment.
Los cursos de español en México son muy variados y flexibles al estudiante que acude a Playa de Carmen, un destino con las mejores playas del país y que sirve como destino turístico a la vez que lugar ideal para estudiar el idioma de Cervantes. ...
Cruzar el océano Atlántico ya es toda una experiencia, pero si lo haces para aprender español, verás como la vivencia puede ser todavía más. Descubrir la cultura mexicana, su gastronomía, sus playas y sus gentes, harán de tu viaje de idiomas un ...
Mejorar las relaciones internacionales de nuestros alumnos, tanto en el ambito social como en el de trabajo.
Mejorar las relaciones internacionales de nuestros alumnos, tanto en el ambito social como en el de trabajo.
Mejorar la relación vendedor-cliente, en los ejecutivos dedicados al comercio exterior.
Lograr que nuestros alumnos alcansen un nivel de español especializado en la gramática y lucución.
Thee Spanish Language Centre Quorum method is an innovative teaching tool, based fundamentally on video, audio, reading, song, writing topics, which has been specially prepared for teaching Spanish on the internet. Our tutors, all native Spanish
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