This one-day course will train you on the various email marketing approaches giving you a chance to learn various modes of using mailers to market your products and services as an effective marketing medium.
Requisitos: Para completar el programa de maestría se requiere:• Asistencia obligatoria, tiempo completo• Realizar sus Prácticas profesionales• Disertación final
Los módulos básicos: Todos los estudiantes tendrán que cursar cuatro de los siguientes seis módulos de 10 créditos: - Innovación para el Desarrollo y Gestión- E-Business y E-Commerce- Marketing ...
In today’s society, the successful organisation have a unique ability to market and sell their products and services. In order to meet the demands of this fast evolving world, has added a new course in Marketing Strategies!In only t...
London Training for Excellence has designed a Professional Media Training Course added by Emagister.This unique programme is perfect for busy professionals to learn how to manage media interviews in order to build presence and a great reputation....
"Learning ObjectivesDiscover cutting-edge strategic marketing models—and their real-world applications.Get the strategic marketing knowledge and tools to increase the spending rate of current customers and cost-effectively acquire new ones.Inte...
In the present competitive environment marketing has become vital. Participants will learn the fundamental concepts of marketing by understanding how to control marketing channels, advertisements, sales force and pricing. Requisitos: These ...
"This marketing training course is ideally suited to individuals starting out in sales and marketing in either the B2B or FMCG sectors. Whether you are a sole proprietor, work for an SME or a multi-national.This course covers the theory and ...
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Acceso a estudios
Administración y dirección de empresas
Calidad, producción e I+D
Oposiciones Sector administrativo
Informática y tecnología
Comercial y ventas
Oposiciones Administración de justicia
Sectores industriales
Deporte y ocio
Oposiciones Sector sanitario
Administración y secretariado
Profesiones, artes y oficios
Oposiciones Medio ambiente
Inmobiliaria y construcción
Otras categorías
Educación y formación
Bellas artes
Medio ambiente
Ciencias sociales
Seguridad y vigilancia
Más TemáticasCursos gratis
Practicas en empresas
Bolsa de empleo
Cursos bonificables
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