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    PRECIO: 7.500 €

    Objetivos: Adquirir o consolidar conocimientos para la toma de decisiones financieras óptimas.Conocer el funcionamiento de los mercados financieros.Dominar los instrumentos, herramientas y metodología financieros para mejorar la gestión de las fina...

Curso subvencionado para desempleados de Management Accounting: Planning, Control and Decision Making

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso subvencionado Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Precio: 5.132,11 € (+ IVA)
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso subvencionado

This course is intended for those who need to obtain a better understanding of the principles of accounting and financial management. The subject will introduce you to the role that effective accounting management makes within an organization.  The objective is ensure that you are  proficient in the use of the accounting data that you will handle  in your work environment, as well as making you aware of the criteria and basis on which key financial decisions are made. You will be introduced to the basic concepts of financial and accounting decision-making and the role of accounting management.  The concepts and techniques will enable you to use and interpret of accounting information and you will become better acquainted with the planning and controlling of resources you have at your disposal.

Temario completo de este curso

  • By the end of the course, participants are expected to:
  • Develop an understanding of the more important concepts and components in accounting management.
  • Provide frameworks to formulate and appraise accounting concepts, strategies and policies.
  • Apply these techniques in business situations (both private and public).
  • Understand the interface between financial management and the other functions in an organization.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of financial management and basic accounting principles.
  • Analyse the accounting and financial environment of various organizations.
  • Analyse both short and long term investment decisions, and interpret both internal and external financial reports.
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