Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 199 €

    Requisitos: Este programa formativo no tiene requisitos previos. A quién va dirigido: A todo tipo de personas, con conocimientos previos de esta materia como a los que quieran acercarse por primera vez a esta disciplina, con independencia de la edad.

Curso de Ethical and Legal Aspects of Assisted Reproduction Techniques

IVI Education
IVI Education

Curso Online

Precio: 330 €
Duración: 15 días

Resumen del curso

Science evolves faster than the laws that regulate its application, so there will always be a certain gap between the possibilities offered by science and their legal regulation. In these circumstances, it is essential to adapt the laws to the current reality of Reproductive Medicine in order to avoid finding ourselves in situations in which beneficial techniques cannot be applied due to a late adaptation of the norms, or that techniques are applied doubtful on the pretext that they have not been expressly prohibited by law. The absence of an Assisted Reproduction Law in some countries creates insecurity. Patients request novel treatments and professionals find no arguments for not applying them, as there has been no legislation on this matter in many countries. Sometimes, in countries where there is specific legislation, the legal framework is restrictive, which avoids scientific advancement in the field of reproductive medicine. The consequence of a restrictive legal framework is usually the exodus of patients from those countries to those who do apply the techniques normally. We will study all the ethical and legal aspects to understand the current framework and know how to properly apply all the techniques.

A quién va dirigido: Course intended to Biomedical Professionals, Biotechnologists, Andrologists and Embryologists

Información adicional

The online course Will be carried out through the e-learning platform: IVIRMA Campus. The student Will receive a message with the access information and credentials 24/48 hours before the start of the course. IVIRMA Campus can be accessed from Windows computers (7, 8, or 10) or Mac, using Chrome of Firefox in its last three versions. Access from mobile devices is not supported and does not ensure the correct operation of the course. To successfully complete the training and obtain the corresponding certificate, the student must obtain a percentage greater than or equal to 70% of correct answers in the final evaluation. To do this, you Will have two opportunities to take the exam.

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Temario completo de este curso

Scien­ce evol­ves more ra­pidly than laws re­gu­la­ting their ad­van­ces, so we will al­ways face a dis­cre­pancy bet­ween pos­si­bi­li­ties of­fe­red by scien­ce and the cu­rrent legal fra­me­work.
The ab­sen­ce of a Law on As­sis­ted Re­pro­duc­tion in some coun­tries ge­ne­ra­tes in­se­cu­rity, as pa­tients re­qui­re cut­ting-ed­ge treat­ments and pro­fes­sio­nals don’t find ar­gu­ments to not im­ple­ment them alt­hough they are not le­gis­la­ted. The program of this course are intended to Biomedical professionals, biotechnologist, andrologist and embryologists.

The program of this course are:

1. Initial Concepts
2. Law 14/2006 on Assisted Reproduction Techniques
3. Europe
4. Wider Worlds
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