Curso relacionado
  •  IVI Education IVI Education
    PRECIO: 6.000 €

    Objetivos: The program will accredit graduates to pursue a career in the human assisted reproduction field, genetic diagnosis and/or research in reproductive science. A quién va dirigido: Course intended for Graduates in Biomedical Sciences (Biologist...

Curso de The Andrology Laboratory

IVI Education
IVI Education

Curso Online

Precio: 330 €
Duración: 22 días

Resumen del curso

One of the main parts of an As­sis­ted Re­pro­duc­tion Unit is the An­dro­logy La­bo­ra­tory. In this room, we carry out the eva­lua­tion of the fer­ti­le po­ten­tial of the male in ad­di­tion to the pre­pa­ra­tion of semen sam­ples for as­sis­ted re­pro­duc­tion treat­ments, ma­na­ge­ment of the sperm bank for pa­tients who wish to pre­ser­ve their fer­ti­lity or men who do­na­te their ga­me­tes al­truis­ti­ca­lly to other couples or women so they can achie­ve offs­pring. Its co­rrect ope­ra­tion and coor­di­na­tion with the in vitro fer­ti­li­za­tion la­bo­ra­tory and the me­di­cal team is im­por­tant for good out­co­mes. In this cour­se, we will des­cri­be the pro­ce­du­res per­for­med in the An­dro­logy La­bo­ra­tory high­ligh­ting the scien­ti­fic evi­den­ce that sup­ports them and the im­pro­ve­ment of the lines from a diag­nos­tic and the­ra­peu­tic point of view in one of the most dy­na­mic fields of as­sis­ted re­pro­duc­tion.

A quién va dirigido: Course intended for Biomedical Professionals, Biotechnologists, Andrologists and Embryologists

Información adicional

The online course Will be carried out through the e-learning platform: IVIRMA Campus. The student Will receive a message with the access information and credentials 24/48 hours before the start of the course. IVIRMA Campus can be accessed from Windows computers (7, 8, or 10) or Mac, using Chrome of Firefox in its last three versions. Access from mobile devices is not supported and does mot ensure the correct operation of the course. To successfully complete the training and obtain the corresponding certificate, the student must obtain a percentage greater than or equal to 70% of correct answers in the final evaluation. To do this, you Will have two opportunities to take the exam.

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Temario completo de este curso

1.The testicle and the spermatogenesis

2.Basic semen analysis. Spermiogram. Special situations and additional tests

3.Sperm preparation techniques for homologous artificial insemination, indications and outcomes

4.Oxidative Stress and its effect on gametes and embryos

5.Sperm freezing techniques

6.Selection, control and use of sperm donors

7.Management and control of the sperm bank

8.Sperm washing in seropositive males for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C

9.Flow cytometry: cell sorting, applications on sperm and sperm separation

10.Sperm DNA fragmentation and male fertility

11.Methods for an objective selection of competent sperm

12.Microarrays technology in sperm diagnosis

13.Other molecular markers of sperm quality

14.Automated Semen Analysis I

15.Automated Semen Analysis II: ISAS

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