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Curso de Lessons from the Hidden Champions

ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology

Curso Presencial en Berlín (Alemania)

Precio: 2.400 €
Duración: 2 días

Resumen del curso

This course, organized by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology, will help you to understand the ‘Hidden champions’, as mainly medium-sized companies that hold a leading international market position and are predominantly family-owned are known. Their leading roles, their creation of wealth, and their global success attract managers from all over the world who are in the process of developing their own strategies to turn their companies into hidden champions will be the base of this program. Participants will explore the phenomenon of hidden champions and examine both the sources of their success and the challenges to come. Furthermore, they will analyze to which extent their own companies already have what it takes to become – and stay – hidden champions and to what degree they need to make structural and strategic changes. Take this chance and ask for further information through

Objetivos: By exploring the challenges they may face when attempting to turn their companies into hidden champions, executives will gain a clear sense of the mindsets, competencies, and strategies needed to succeed in this endeavor. They will learn how to capitalize on and leverage their strengths and weaknesses – as well as those of their employees, peers, and superiors – on their way to reaching the goals they have in mind.

A quién va dirigido: Executives of mid-sized companies who are in charge of business development or strategic management and who wish to understand the success of hidden champions; sales executives who intend to do business with hidden champions and build solid relationships with them.

Información adicional

Lessons from the Hidden Champions has been designed as an experience-based program for executives who wish to understand the success of hidden champions. As a result, the program relies on methods specifically chosen for this group, including interactive presentations, best practices and strategies of companies that have successfully become hidden champions, case discussions, company visits, peer exchange, action planning, and in-depth interactions with faculty. In the process, participants will begin to understand which management strategies succeed or fail.

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Temario completo de este curso

  • Germany’s economic development and the role of hidden champions.
  • How Germany’s hidden champions think.
  • The wealth creation of hidden champions.
  • Germany’s mid-sized companies as champions of innovation.
  • Success factors of Germany’s hidden champions.
  • Challenges for current and future hidden champions.

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