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Curso de Intensive Course on Energy Economics: Current Methods and Policy Challenges

Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)


Resumen del curso

The Barcelona GSE Intensive Course on Energy Economics: Current Methods and Policy Challenges serves as a forum for participants to discuss the main challenges facing the energy sector. The course also provides participants with a deep understanding of the main concepts and tools needed to analyze the performance of energy markets. Revant global regulatory experiences in the energy sector are used to illustrate the main topics of the course. The faculty includes leading academic economists and practitioners with extensive expertise in the area.

Temario completo de este curso

  • Introduction to competition in electricity markets: concepts and tools
  • Empirical analysis of competition in electricity markets
  • Regulation in energy markets: concepts, tools and the UK experience
  • Competition and regulation in gas markets
  • Electricity capacity markets and resource adequacy
  • Transmission pricing
  • Competition policy cases I: abuse of dominance
  • Competition policy cases II: merger control
  • Carbon pricing James Bushnell
  • Case study: The energy transition in France, the UK and Germany
  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy retail pricing and policies

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