Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: - Licenciados y Diplomados de cualquier especialidad universitaria- Universitarios que a la fecha de su matriculación no hayan concluido sus estudios y que sin embargo puedan demostrar y acreditar los niveles requeridos por el Instituto E...

Curso de HR Assistant Diploma

Pitman Training Barcelona
Pitman Training Barcelona

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 151-300 €

Resumen del curso

Within any organisation, it's the people who make the biggest difference to its overall success- especially if they feel motivated, highly valued and supported in their roles.

Objetivos: Our HR Assistant Diploma has been developed to give you the professional skills you need to get a job in any HR department or take on HR duties and succeeed.

Requisitos: High command of English essential.

A quién va dirigido: You will have a broad range of skills, including understanding the principles of HR, advanced IT skills and how to speak the language of business.

Información adicional

• Flexible training you can fit around work and family commitments
• Support whenever you need it from our friendly course advisors
• The widely respected Pitman Training name on your CV
• The skills in demand by employers • Confidence that you’re one step closer to your dream job, promotion or new career

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Temario completo de este curso

  • HR Essentials HR Essentials is an entry-level HR training course. You will you learn essential knowledge on areas such as recruiting new staff, employment contracts, salary processing and maternity rights. Through the use of a case-study, you’ll gain an excellent understanding of the ins and outs of HR in a business.
  • Choose 3 from the following: - The Legal Aspects of Interviewing - Team Leadership - Successful Hiring - Mentoring - Effective Performance Appraisals
  • Typing We offer a full range of typing courses whether you’re a beginner or need to reach top speeds with maximum accuracy.
  • Effective Business Communication Learn how to communicate effectively in business by letter, email, telephone and by presentation. This will cover correct use of grammar, punctuation, principles of letter writing and CV writing.
  • Microsoft Word Learn word processing skills to a good business standard. This will enable you to create professional looking documents, produce tables, insert pictures and much more or Microsoft Word Expert Learn advanced word processing skills including mail merge, creating graphs, creating and running macros, creating an index, table of contents and more.
  • Microsoft Excel Learn spreadsheet skills to a good business standard. This course will enable you to create a spreadsheet, enter data, formulas and functions; create charts and more. or Microsoft Excel Expert Learn advanced spreadsheet skills, covering areas such as importing and exporting data, creating and using templates, linking workbooks, data management, using analysis tools and pivot tables.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Gain competency in creating slide presentations. Areas covered include formatting, inserting tables, pictures, sound and hyperlinks; applying transition and timing effects.
  • Microsoft Outlook Learn how to share, manage and schedule information electronically. Covers the use of email, electronic calendar, scheduling meetings and appointments, creating and assigning tasks and creating address lists.
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    A consultar

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