Máster en Foreign Trade & International Marketing

En estos momentos el centro INSA no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.


Máster Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 5.100 €

Resumen del máster

This practical and innovative degree programme was designed to introduce our students to the world of trade and international marketing.

Temario completo de este curso

jecti ves
•• Gain knowledge necessary to become an
expert in global markets operations.
•• Find out everything about the organisation
of export departments within a
company’s structure, as well as sound
understanding of principles and techniques
of marketing in order to be able to
effectively design and carry out successful
strategic marketing campaigns and
succeed on international level.
met hodolog y
The methodology is based on active learning
and highly practical approach.
Efficient and rewarding training is possible
thanks to excellent relationship between
students and our academic staff.
The programme reflects international trade
markets reality and equips students with versatile,
transferable skills highly valuable by

International marketing and exporting
International Trade: Better importing
The international environment
Export market selection: definition
and strategies
Export market entry strategies
Export entry modes
Nonexport entry modes
The export order and physical
International Transport
International financing and methods
of payment
Strategic Options of the Company in the
International Markets
The Market Research at an
International Level
The International Policy of the Product
Pricing Policy
Global Sourcing
The Direction Of International Sales
International Communication
International Marketing Planning
Organization, Coordination and Control

Price: 5100€ (1200 + 3900)

Date: 3-mar-15. 29-feb-16

Hours: 3 days weekdays 19:00 to 22:00. Friday from 16:30 to 21:30

ver temario completo

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