The International MBA in Spain – Barcelona – New York has been designed so that participants can enhance and increase their knowledge in business management and administration, work with the main management tools and strengthen their managerial skills ...
Objetivos: Some of the coursework which students will take includes general managing principles, accounting, strategic marketing and supply chain management. In addition, students will have the opportunity to specialise in one of five areas- Management, International Management, Finances, Marketing or Family Business. The objective is for students to graduate from this program with the abillity to lead a team and to be able to evolve easily within a a company or an organisation.
Requisitos: Recommended Profile:University Degree 2 years of working experience.
A quién va dirigido: This programme is targeted at university graduates or specialists who have two or three years of work experience. Having some work experience maximises students' enjoyment of the program and allows them to relate to the material being taught. The overall objective of the program is for students to gain an in-depth understanding of business management and all its facets.
Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales. Solicita información sobre tu programa de interés y uno de nuestros asesores te informará sobre las fechas de incorporación que tenemos previstas.
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Course Content:
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Requisitos: Perfil recomendado:Titulación universitaria.2 años de experiencia laboral.
Objetivos: - Facilitar una visión integrada y global de la dirección general y el rol de que desarrolla cada área de la empresa- Adquirir los conocimientos clave y desarrollar las competencias ...
Objetivos: Potenciar y desarrollar sus capacidades directivas.Afrontar con éxito las nuevas tendencias del entorno.Mejorar e impulsar su carrera profesional.Gestionar de forma eficaz las distintas ...
Objetivos: Definir la estrategia adecuada para competir con éxito en los mercados en los que opereDominar el entorno global y competitivo de los negocios en el que nos movemos actualmente, diseñando ...
1. Company Policy and General management Strategy. 2. Strategies and Policies in the Marketing Management. 3. Economic Control and Optimization of results. 4. Commercial Management Organization ...
Objetivos: With the EAE’s International MBA in Madrid or Barcelona (also a semester in New York) you will learn about:1.LEADERSHIP: Managing and leading an organization thanks to the enhancement of ...
The International MBA in Spain – Barcelona – New York has been designed so that participants can enhance and increase their knowledge in business management and administration, work with the main ...
Objetivos: This official Master’s degree qualifies graduates to enter official PhD programs and to earn postgraduate-level points for civil service exams and competitions for employment in Public ...
Objetivos: International Business graduates leave EU with a diverse skill set that will enable them to be effective leaders in a number of different business applications. Requisitos: Students must ...
Objetivos: Potenciar y desarrollar sus capacidades directivas.Gestionar de forma eficaz las distintas áreas de la gestión empresarial.Fortalecer sus conocimientos en gestión empresarial.Desarrollar ...
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