Curso relacionado
    PRECIO: 360 €

    Objetivos: El objetivo principal de este curso es que, al finalizarlo, el alumno sea capaz de comprender la estructura del lenguaje y programar en SQL con soltura. Requisitos: Esta formación no tiene requisitos de conocimientos previos.Al ser una fo...



Curso Presencial en Valencia (Valencia)

Precio: 995 €
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso

Este curso proporciona los conocimientos y habilidades para el suministro de un servidor de base de datos microsoft SQL 2016. El curso cubre SQL Server 2016 tanto en las instalaciones como en Azure, y trata sobre nueva instalación y migración de una instalación existente.

Objetivos: Provision a Database Server Upgrade SQL Server Configure SQL Server Manage Databases and Files (shared) Provision, migrate and manage databases in the cloud

Requisitos: - Conocimiento básico del sistema operativo Microsoft Windows y su funcionalidad básica. - Conocimiento práctico de Transact-SQL. - Conocimiento práctico de las bases de datos relacionales. - Experiencia en diseño de bases de datos

A quién va dirigido: La audiencia principal de este curso son las personas que administran y mantienen bases de datos de SQL Server. Estas personas realizan la administración y el mantenimiento de la base de datos como su principal área de responsabilidad, o trabajan en entornos donde las bases de datos juegan un papel clave en su trabajo principal. La audiencia secundaria para este curso son individuos que desarrollen aplicaciones que ofrecan contenido de bases de datos de SQL Server.

Temario completo de este curso

Module 1: SQL Server 2016 Components

This module describes the various SQL Server 2016 components and versions.


  • Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
  • Overview of SQL Server Architecture
  • SQL Server Services and Configuration Options

Lab : Discussion: SQL Server versions

  • When we do use a separate installation of SQL Server and when would use a separate instance?
  • Which version of SQL Server is most suitable in your organization?

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe SQL Server components and versions.

  • Describe SQL Server architecture and resource usage.

  • Describe SQL Server services and how you manage the configuration of those services.

Module 2: Installing SQL Server 2016

This modules describes the process to install SQL Server 2016.


  • Considerations for SQL Installing Server
  • TempDB Files
  • Installing SQL Server 2016
  • Automating Installation

Lab : Installing SQL Server

  • Assess the available resources
  • Install an instance of SQL Server
  • Perform post installation checks
  • Automating Installation

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the considerations when installing SQL Server.

  • Describe TempDB files.

  • Install SQL Server 2016.

  • Automate a SQL Server installation.

Module 3: Upgrading SQL Server to SQL Server 2016

This module describes the process for upgrading to SQL Server 2016.


  • Upgrade Requirements
  • Upgrade SQL Server Services
  • Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications

Lab : Upgrading SQL Server

  • Create the Application Logins
  • Restore Database Backups
  • Orphaned Users and Database Compatibility Level

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the upgrade requirements for SQL Server.

  • Upgrade SQL Server.

  • Migrate SQL Server data and applications.

Module 4: Working with Databases

This module describes the preinstalled system databases, the physical structure of databases and the most common configuration options related to them.


  • Introduction to Data Storage with SQL Server
  • Managing Storage for System Databases
  • Managing Storage for User Databases
  • Moving and Copying Database Files
  • Side-by-Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications
  • Buffer Pool Extension

Lab : Managing Database Storage

  • Configuring tempdb Storage
  • Creating Databases
  • Attaching a Database
  • Enable Buffer Pool Extension

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe Data Storage with SQL Server.

  • Manage Storage for System Databases.

  • Manage Storage for User Databases.

  • Move and Copy Database Files.

  • Describe the Side-by-Side Upgrade: Migrating SQL Server Data and Applications process.

  • Describe and use Buffer Pool Extensions.

Module 5: Performing Database Maintenance

This module covers database maintenance plans.


  • Ensuring Database Integrity
  • Maintaining Indexes
  • Automating Routine Database Maintenance

Lab : Performing Database Maintenance

  • Use DBCC CHECKDB to Verify Database Integrity
  • Rebuild Indexes
  • Create a Database Maintenance Plan

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Ensure Database Integrity.

  • Maintain Indexes.

  • Automate Routine Database Maintenance.

Module 6: Database Storage Options

Describe SQL Server storage options.


  • SQL Server storage Performance
  • SMB Fileshare
  • SQL Server Storage in microsoft Azure
  • Stretch Databases

Lab : Implementing Stretch Database

  • Run Stretch Database Advisor
  • Implement Stretch Database

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe SQL Server Storage Performance.

  • Describe SMB Fileshare.

  • Explain SQL Server Storage in microsoft Azure.

  • Describe Stretch Database.

Module 7: Planning to Deploy SQL Server on microsoft Azure

This module describes how to plan to deploy SQL Server on Azure.


  • SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure SQL Authentication
  • Deploying an Azure SQL Database

Lab : Plan and Deploy an Azure SQL Database

  • Plan an Azure SQL Database, Networking, performance tiers, security
  • Provision an Azure SQL Database
  • Connect to an Azure SQL Database

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure.

  • Describe Azure Storage.

  • Explain Azure SQL Authentication, auditing and compliance.

  • Deploy an Azure SQL Database.

Module 8: Migrating Databases to Azure SQL Database

This module describes how to migrate databases to Azure SQL Database.


  • Database Migration Testing Tools
  • Database Migration Compatibility Issues
  • Migrating a SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Database

Lab : Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure

  • Perform Migration Testing
  • Migrate a SQL Server Database to Azure SQL Database
  • Test a Migrated Database

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe various database migration testing tools.
  • Explain database migration compatibility issues.
  • Migrate a SQL Server database to Azure SQL database.

Module 9: Deploying SQL Server on a microsoft Azure Virtual Machine

This module describes how to deploy SQL Server on microsoft Azure VMs.


  • Deploying SQL Server on an Azure VM
  • The Deploy Database to a microsoft Azure VM Wizard

Lab : Deploying SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine

  • Provision an Azure VM
  • Use the Deploy Database to Azure VM Wizard

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Deploy SQL Server on an Azure VM.
  • Use The Deploy Database to a microsoft Azure VM Wizard.

Module 10: Managing databases in the Cloud

This module describes how to manage SQL Server on Azure.


  • Managing Azure SQL Database Security
  • Configure Azure storage
  • Azure Automation

Lab : Managing Databases in the Cloud

  • Configure Azure Security
  • Automate Azure Deployment

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Manage Azure SQL Database Security.
  • Configure Azure storage.
  • Implement Azure Automation.

Additional Reading

ver temario completo

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