En estos momentos el centro Esic, Business & Marketing School no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.
Objetivos: The main objective of the Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management is to train professionals to perform management, assessment and evaluation tasks in organizations. These tasks can be carried out in the global sphere of the organization or in any of its functional areas: production, human resources, financing, marketing, investment, administration or accounting. Graduates must know the articulation of the normal development of all these functional areas with the general objectives of the production unit, as well as of these with the economic global context; and to be able to contribute with their labor to a good functioning and an improvement in the results. Specifically, they must be able to identify and anticipate opportunities, assign resources, organise information, select and motivate people, make decisions, reach the set goals and evaluate results. The teaching structure is aimed at giving the students the necessary knowledge so that, once the training is over, they can access the job arena with the sufficient abilities and training to be able to develop any of the administrative and management functions, always showing strong ethical values, respect, cooperative spirit and a full awareness of the social role of a company.
Requisitos: The students who wish to attend these classes must hold a High School Diploma and must have passed the University admission tests or to hold one of the degrees that enable the admission to the university
Becas (de hasta el 15%), ayudas y financiación (de hasta 8 años) y seguro de finalización de estudios.
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Introduction to Marketing and communications in the film
Pending verification
Financial Accounting I
6COMPending verification
Corporate Statistics I
6COMPending verification
Corporate Sociology
6BEPending verification
4,5COMPending verification
Financial Accounting II
4,5COMPending verification
Production Management
6COMPending verification
4,5COMPending verification
Corporate Statistics II
6COMPending verification
Marketing Management
4,5COMPending verification
Modern Language
Corporate Taxation
Pending verification
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics I
6COMPending verification
Corporate Decision Methods
4,5COMPending verification
Analytical Accounting
4,5COMPending verification
Commercial Management
4,5COMPending verification
Financial Management I
6COMPending verification
Management Information Systems
4,5COMPending verification
Strategic Management and Corporate Politics II
6COMPending verification
Human Resources
4,5COMPending verification
Balance Analysis
4,5COMPending verification
Financial Management II
6COMPending verification
National and International Economic Environment
Internship Placement
End of Degree Project
6ALabour Law
6COMPending verification
Academic Recognition of Credits
6COMPending verification
Corporate Accounting
4,5ELPending verification
Operations Management in Service Corporations
4,5ELPending verification
4,5ELPending verification
Corporate Assessment and Acquisition
Economic History
Pending verification
History of Spanish Institutions (Humanities)
6BEPending verification
Corporate Mathematics
6COMPending verification
Introduction to Corporations I
6BEPending verification
Professional Ethics, Basic Principals of Law and Equality (Professional Ethics)
6BEPending verification
Financial Mathematics
6COMPending verification
Introduction to Corporations II
6COMPending verification
Mercantile Law
6BEPending verification
Introducción a la Economía
6FBPending verification
Computer Sciencie Applied to Corporations
ver temario completo
Objetivos: - Aplicar las técnicas de trabajo en equipo y de motivación laboral.- Aprender a organizar reuniones de trabajo eficaces.- Conocer la importancia de la dirección y del estilo de liderazgo ...
Objetivos: - Conocer y diferenciar entre deontología y ética profesional.- Adquirir habilidades que nos permitan identificar los criterios morales y éticos que sustentan el ejercicio de una ...
Objetivos: Al completar este curso, el alumno: Comprenderá los puntos de vista desde los que se puede contemplar un modelo de gestión, conocerá los criterios de selección de proyectos y las ...
Objetivos: El Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA) persigue como objetivo incrementar la capacitación de los asistentes y afianzar sus dotes de liderazgo, su capacidad de resolución de problemas y ...
Objetivos: - Crear, gestionar y dirigir una empresa digital.- Aprender a desarrollar las habilidades directivas del emprendedor para desempeñarse con éxito en un cargo en cualquier nivel de una ...
Objetivos: - Conocer en que consiste el proceso directivo y las funciones que desempeña la dirección de una empresa. - Profundizar en la negociación, sus técnicas y la figura que desempeña el ...
Objetivos: "Con este curso aprenderás sobre:organización y estructura estratégicosanálisis del entorno general y del entorno estratégicopolíticas decrecimiento y desarrollo empresarial." ...
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