Taller de Idiomas: "de santa maria en sevilla en alava"

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - DELE 40 lessons

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 344

    DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - DELE 60 lessons

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 520

    DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Dele Crash Course

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.032

    DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - DELE Intensive Course

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 2.230

    DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is the Spanish official certificate to accredit competence in the Spanish language, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Complementary Workshop: Conversation & Grammar Review

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 228

    This workshop is aimed at boosting Spanish oral skills and focuses on all aspects related to Spanish phonetics, listening in Spanish, etc. It is specially recommended for those who may need extra tuition in spanish conversation.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Business Spanish Workshop

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 275

    Especially designed for students who wish to improve their level of spanish for their workplace.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish for tourism

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 275

    For those who work in the tourism industry or are studying tourism at a university and require knowledge of Spanish.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Flamenco + Sevillanas

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 139

    An amazing experience that will allow you to learn Spanish while experiencing Spanish culture through its most fascinating cultural element; Flamenco music and dance and Sevillanas.

  •  Eduversion Internacional


    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.450

    The program is designed specially for teenagers allowing them to spend their summer holidays with benefit and fun in Spain. All teenagers are placed in friendly, caring, Spanish host families.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish for beginners

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.450

    This program is designed specially for teenagers allowing them to spend their summer holidays with benefit and fun in Spain. Teenagers are placed in friendly, caring, Spanish host families.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish for Universities

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 3.903

    This special course is aimed at foreign students who wish to study in a Spanish university.

  •  Fundación A.F.I.E.S.

    Con este curso podra obtener un certificado profesional de ingles para el turismo.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Standard 20 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 202

    This Spanish course will provide the students with the Spanish language skills they need. With a maximum of 10 participants per group, this course will allow to develop rapidly the oral and writing skills within a multicultural environment.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Private 20 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 920

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content. The One-to-One Spanish course is the perfect solution for those with professional or special needs.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - One-to-two 20 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 598

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish at the teacher's home

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.138

    With the intention of creating a course where one is completely immersed in Spanish language and culture, Spanish at the Teacher's Home is a highly exclusive course with private Spanish tuition.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish at the teacher's home

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.477

    With the intention of creating a course where one is completely immersed in Spanish language and culture, Spanish at the Teacher's Home is a highly exclusive course with private Spanish tuition.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Elite Intensive

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 432

    The Elite Intensive Program combines the advantages of the Intensive Spanish lessons with private Spanish tuition.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Elite Intensive Plus

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 662

    The Elite Intensive Program combines the advantages of the Intensive Spanish lessons with private Spanish tuition.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Private 25 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.150

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content. The One-to-One Spanish course is the perfect solution for those with professional or special needs.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - One-to-two 25 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 748

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Intensive 30 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 314

    This Spanish course is specially recommended for those students who want to get the best results in a short period of time.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - Private 30 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.380

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content. The One-to-One Spanish course is the perfect solution for those with professional or special needs.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Spanish - One-to-two 30 lpw

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 897

    Spanish private tuition implies flexibility in terms of both schedules and content.

  •  Eduversion Internacional

    Business Spanish

    Curso en Sevilla | Eduversion Internacional | 1.220

    Business presentations in Spanish, specific business vocabulary, verbal negotiation, socio-economic knowledge, Spanish for trade and technical purposes, etc, are included in this special Business Spanish Course.

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Cursos subvencionados para desempleados (182)

Curso de compra online(367)




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Carreras universitarias(46)


Formación ocupacional(9)

Ciclos formativos(5)


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Madrid (32)

Online y a distancia (13)

Barcelona (6)

Valencia (2)

Cáceres (1)

Cádiz (1)

Granada (1)

León (1)

Lugo (1)

Avila (1)

Balears (1)

Más provincias

En el extranjero (2)

Promociones y descuentos



Otras categorías

Bellas artes

Belleza y estética

Informática y tecnología



Ciencias sociales

Administración y dirección de empresas



Sectores industriales

Educación y formación


Inglés (40)

Italiano (6)

Francés (4)

Español (4)

Otros idiomas (4)

Alemán (2)

Filología y traducción (1)

Idiomas + trabajo (1)

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Profesiones, artes y oficios

Deporte y ocio




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Calidad, producción e I+D

Clases particulares

Inmobiliaria y construcción






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Seguridad y vigilancia


Administración y secretariado

Náutica/Aéreo y Vial

Acceso a estudios

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