-120 hour (20+ hours real teaching practice) Intensive TEFL Training Course in Barcelona or Madrid - Modular course design, which includes: Language Analysis, TEFL Fundamentals, Lesson Planning & Teaching Practice.
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
En este curso se realiza la preparación de la prueba de acceso a Técnicos Superiores
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
The Oxbridge International TEFL Course prepares you to teach English all over the world. We train you to be the best teacher possible using an innovative and modern language teaching methodology.
-120 hour (20+ hours real teaching practice) Intensive TEFL Training Course in Barcelona or Madrid - Modular course design, which includes: Language Analysis, TEFL Fundamentals, Lesson Planning & Teaching Practice.
Oxbridge International TEFL Certificate • 120 hour (20+ hours real teaching practice) Intensive TEFL Training Course in Barcelona or Madrid
Oxbridge International TEFL Certificate • 120 hour (20+ hours real teaching practice) Intensive TEFL Training Course in Barcelona or Madrid
Oxbridge is based in Barcelona and Madrid. We teach English to more than 800 students and 150 clients. We also offer: Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20+ hours real teaching practice
La comunicación intercultural euroasiática en las condiciones del proceso de Bolonia. Curso impartido en Inglés y Ruso
Oxbridge is based in Barcelona and Madrid. We teach English to more than 800 students and 150 clients. We also offer: Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20+ hours real teaching practice
We are offering subsidised places on the Oxbridge International TEFL course in Barcelona. There are also job opportunities for the best graduates from the course with Oxbridge or associate schools
El Centro de Estudios Isaac Newton ofrece una gran variedad de cursos y actividades de verano, Idiomas, Técnicas de Estudios , Dibujo artístico o cursos más específicos, como Dibujo Técnico.La duración varía según el curso, pero la mayoría son de 20
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice- Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview- Employment opportunities for the best students
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice - Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview - Employment opportunities for the best students
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice- Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview- Employment opportunities for the best students
Aunque inicialmente está dirigida a los tramos de enseñanza formal de primaria e infantil, la existencia de diversas especialidades capacita para un amplio espectro de posibilidades docentes.
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice - Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview - Employment opportunities for the best students
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice - Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview - Employment opportunities for the best students
Jornadas Prácticas de Formación para Profesores de Español (ELE)Online o presenciales (Tarragona)CertificadasCon la colaboración de centros, asociaciones y profesionales a nivel internacionalToda la info en nuestra web
- Intensive TEFL Training Courses in Barcelona or Madrid with 20 hours of teaching practice - Subsidised 499€ course price (1,250€ full price) after a successful interview - Employment opportunities for the best students
Cursos subvencionados para trabajadores (333)
Cursos subvencionados para desempleados (131)
Ciclos formativos(369)
Más tiposMadrid (33)
Online y a distancia (20)
Barcelona (9)
Valencia (5)
Sevilla (2)
Córdoba (1)
Cuenca (1)
Guipúzcoa (1)
Salamanca (1)
Cantabria (1)
Tarragona (1)
Balears (1)
Más provinciasEn el extranjero (4)
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