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    PRECIO: A consultar

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Taller de XenApp and XenDesktop Advanced Concepts-Optimizing the End User Experience


Taller Presencial en SICAP (México)

Precio: 862,81 € (+ IVA)
Duración: 2 días

Resumen del taller

In this course students will learn how to optimize an environment to deliver a great user experience. Starting with the user device and Citrix Receiver, the course covers advanced deployment and configuration options to optimize the delivery of their apps and desktop. Students continue with enhancing the StoreFront experience through custom branding and advanced customization options, Finally, course attendees will learn how to optimize the VDA for a better experience including faster logons. HDX graphics tuning, multimedia, andadditional configurations for double hop HDX connections.

Objetivos: Although many options exists for deploying and configuring a XenApp and XenDesktop solution, this course focuses on the aspects of the solution that impac the user workflow and user experience. The recommended configurations taught this course are based on real world experience of Citrix Consulting architects and consultants working with customers worldwide to streamine the user experience and optmize for complex scenarios.

Requisitos: Before taking this course, Citrix recommends that students have: Intermediate understanding of XenApp and/or XenDesktop 7x Intermediate understanding of StoreFront 3.x (StoreFront 2.x is adequate). An understanding of server, desktop and applications virtualization concepts Familiarity with Windows Server 2012 R2. CXD-203, CXD-300 ó CMB-300

A quién va dirigido: This course is recommended for administrators, engineers and consultants who are interested in: Increasing user adoption Customizing user access with StoreFront Delivering graphics and multimedia Optimizing user settings for a seamless experience

Información adicional

This course is offered as both Instructor led in class training and virtual Instructor led training.

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Temario completo de este curso

Module 1. Understanding User Experience Issues
  • Understanding common user issues
  • Common misconfigurations that hinder adoption
  • Understanding the user workflow
Module 2. Configuring a Seamless Receiver
  • Deploying Receiver seamlessly
  • Configuring Receiver through ADMX templates
  • Configuring Single Sing On authentication
  • Presentation of apps and desktops
  • Customizing StoreFront appearance and branding with StoreFront 3.0
  • Using keywords with StoreFront
  • Configuring resource filtering
  • Advanced customizations to Netscaler Gateway
  • StoreFront launch and session timeouts
  • Reducing logon times with folder redirection and exclusion
  • Session prelaunch
  • Session lingering
  • Understanding graphics delivery
  • Configuring the graphics modes with policies and templates
  • Selecting appropriate templates by use case
  • Extracting graphics HDX information for troubleshooting
  • Reducing bandwidth through policies and settings
  • HDX Redirection technologies
  • Client and server content fetching and rendering
  • Configuring Flash video fallback behavior
  • Configuring Windows media redirection and transcoding
  • Using the HDX Skype for Business optimization pack
  • The double hop HDX scenario or ICA-pass-through
  • Drive mapping with double hop
  • Workspace control behavior
  • Session sharing behavior
Module 3. Customizing the StoreFront Experience
  • Customizing StoreFront appearance and branding with StoreFront 3.0
  • Using keywords with StoreFront
  • Configuring resource filtering
  • Advanced customizations through editing configuration files
  • Porting customizations to Naetscaler Gateway
  • StoreFront launch and session timeouts
Module 4. Optimizing the Logon Process
  • Reducing logon times with folder redirection and exclusion
  • Session prelaunch
  • Session lingering
Module 5. Optimizing HDX Graphics
  • Understanding graphics delivery
  • Configuring the graphics modes with policies and templates
  • Selecting appropiate templates by use case
  • Extracting graphics HDX information for troubleshooting
  • Reducing bandwidth through policies and settings
Module 6. Delivering Multimedia
  • HDX redirection technologies
  • Client and server content fetching and rendering
  • Configuring Flash video fallback behavior
  • Configuring Windows media redirection and transcoding
  • Using the HDX Skype for Business optimization pack
Module 7. Configuring for Double Hop HDX Connections
  • The double hop HDX scenario or ICA-pass-through
  • Drive mapping with double hop
  • Workspace control behavior
  • Session sharing behavior
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